Lookit the little birdie...
February 1, 2007 7:21 PM

My roommate recently saw a "Fresh" music video on VH1 that she really liked. Now, she wants to see it again but can't remember what it was called. All she has is a vague memory of a pink bird crushing on the video's singer. Help?

This is what my roommate remembers:

-The male singer was inside a room, but it was filmed outside, where a bird is sitting on a tree limb. The bird was pink.
-The bird was staring at the singer in a state of love. (She has a crush on him.)
-The bird goes to her birdhouse and her bird parents yell at her. She has posters of the singer in her room.
-She decides to run away. She goes to the tree to watch him, but he's got. She waits in the rain and storm.
-Then a geeky bird comes and she shifts her affections. My roommate thinks the geek!bird was blue.

She doesn't remember the music, just the visuals. If you can help, it would be great. She's been stuck on Google and YouTube for the past two days. (It's weirding me out!)
posted by ElectricBlue to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
For Us by Pete Yorn.
posted by iconomy at 8:46 PM on February 1, 2007

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