ISO Afghan war footage
January 8, 2007 9:41 AM   Subscribe

Looking for video online of Afghan war footage.

Specifically looking for the July 2002 accidental bombing by the U.S. of a wedding in Afghanistan. I'm finding numerous stories about the incident but need the video clips that aired at the time. I'm also looking for any footage of public executions performed by the Taliban in soccer stadiums.

As a disclaimer, this is for a documentary and we will not be airing any particularly grisly images in our program.
posted by Nathanial Hörnblowér to Law & Government (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
try wwwmetatube blinkx tv
posted by baker dave at 11:22 AM on January 8, 2007

You might find it in the BBC news archives (although all their video is in .ram format, unfortunately). I turned up a link to the horrific 'friendly fire' incident involving journalist John Simpson:
posted by boosh at 2:49 PM on January 8, 2007

It's not video, but if you're looking for photos of events you may want to check They have an editorial section. And hey, if Ken Burns can get away with still photos in his documentaries then maybe you can too.
posted by quadog at 3:28 PM on January 8, 2007

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