Private mental facility in Minnesota?
November 21, 2006 8:55 PM

Private, in-patient mental health facilities in Minnesota? And what's an average day like at one?

As the question states, I'm looking for an in-patient mental health facility in MN that isn't a state hospital. I'm specifically looking for treatment for severe depression/anxiety. I don't even know how to start looking, or what I'm looking for. In my head, I picture those quiet, grassy areas seen in movies from the '50s, but I don't know if such a thing exists or what the modern equivalent is. So, my questions are:

1. If such a thing exists, where are they in MN?
2. What's the cost involved with an in-patient program such as this? I assume insurance doesn't cover private facilities.
3. What's a typical day at an in-patient facility?

I want to stress I'm looking for private places only. I've had experiences with state hospitals, and have enough information about them.

For those wishing to share their stories privately, I setup an address at Thanks in advance.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I don't have personal recommendations, but here are some general starting points:

This pdf list from the Minnesota Dept of Public Health says it lists all residential mental health treatment facilities in MN.

This page recommends calling the state mental health program (which supervises both public and private mental health facilities), and gives a phone number. If nobody here has recommendations, you could give these people a call and ask them just what you've asked us.

If you'd rather not call the state entity, Mental Health America, a nonprofit, has an info line that you can call to find out the nearest mental health facility to you: 1-800-969-6642. Their website does not list a Minnesota chapter, but the national hotline should be able to help.

This Guide to Getting Mental Health Services is general but might be a useful step-by-step.
posted by LobsterMitten at 1:07 AM on November 22, 2006

Even better, a nonprofit based in MN, Mental Health Association of Minnesota.
posted by LobsterMitten at 1:15 AM on November 22, 2006

Most inpatient psychiatric services are now delivered on the psychiatric units of general hospitals and are focused on rapid stabilization and discharge planning. The average length of stay (depending on diagnosis and insurance) is 6-10 days. It is possible that your insurance will cover it but only if you meet their criteria for inpatient care (inpatient care usually requires precertification unless it is an emergency or involuntary admission). There may be a free standing psychiatric hospital in your area--in either case the per diem cost is probably between $700 and $1400.
From your post it seems to me you are hoping to find a long term residential program where you can receive psychiatric intervention (medicine), a range of talk and behavioral interventions, support, etc. These are available through out the country and can be tracked down by using google or other search engines. I would search for "residential mental health adult anxiety depression". The length of stay will depend on your needs, ability to pay and the programs design. Most are 30-60 days--if you want to pay I am sure you can find ones where you can stay longer. Odds are that your insurance will only pay a small part of the total cost. I think you could expect to pay $400 to $1,000 per day. If you are interested in the facilities I would look for the following:
1) JCAHO Accreditation 2) State licensure and certification, 3) On site availability of psychiatrists and whether they are consultants or employees. 4) Length of time in operation 4) Support on discharge. If you are interested and narrow it down to three or four I would be glad to exchange information by email. The bottom line is that the notion of a supportive medically intensive stay somewhere for 30 days or more is only for the well insured, financially comfortable or those whose specific problems are very difficult to manage/treat in the community.
You have two of the premier inpatient/residential programs in the country: Mayo clinic and Hazelden. If I were you I would call them, ask for intake and find out about them and the other programs to which they refer. Hazelden is substance abuse but they will be helpful in identifying appropriate MH residential programs. Sorry for the lengthy response.
posted by rmhsinc at 12:40 PM on November 22, 2006

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