Racks and racks of humming machinery...
November 20, 2006 3:42 PM

I'm totally entranced by this post in projects about electronics surplus stores. I'm an electrical engineering student in Lexington, Kentucky and over winter break I'll be home in the Washington, DC area. Where can I find a place like that in the general vicinity of those locales? I have friends willing to drive rather far if required.

Surely DC must have some place where uncle sam's spooks unload their used toys...
posted by phrontist to Shopping (3 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Maryland and Virginia. Here is the list. Maybe one of the government sales would interest you. Seized and forfeited property courtesy of the US Marshals Service & Treasury Department.
posted by mlis at 4:02 PM on November 20, 2006

I'm a NOVA-er (NOVAite? whatever) and although I haven't found any good surplus stores around here, if you're around during the warmer months there are a number of good hamfests. I went to the Manassas one earlier this year ("always the first sunday in june") and there was a lot of USG surplus satcomm and crypto gear floating around, more than I'd ever seen before. So the stuff is definitely around out there. Unfortunately I don't think there are any 'fests going on during the Winter, it's more of a summer sport.

You might want to check out Government Liquidation. It's an eBay like system for selling gov surplus, run on behalf of the government by a private contractor. Except that unlike eBay, it's sold as-is, where-is, which can lead to you making some interesting road trips. There is a big Navy depot in Mechanicsburg, PA -- within day trip distance of DC -- that regularly has stuff listed on the GovLiquidation site. I've driven up there to pick up electronics surplus.

Another thought I had was this list of ham radio equipment retailers, from the web page of a radio club in Arlington, VA (opp. side of the Potomac from DC). They also mention Arcade Electronics, which is listed on the Sci.Electronics FAQ that MLIS linked to above. I've never been there personally, though. They describe themselves as more of a "wholesaler" than a "surplus" store, so I'm not sure they're going to satisfy your craving for racks of humming, unidentifiable surplus gear...

I'd love it if anyone knew of any really good stores around, but if there are, it must be the best-kept secret in DC...
posted by Kadin2048 at 10:30 PM on November 20, 2006

American Science & Surplus
posted by mlis at 9:20 PM on November 21, 2006

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