Can you help me translate my hacked website from Polish to English?
November 9, 2006 12:33 PM   Subscribe

Can you translate this short paragraph from Polish into English please? It involves some "L33t" speak so it may be challenging.

To make a long story short, my wordpress blog was hacked. I just want to make sure it doesn't say anything about my family or anything threatening.
szczegolnie gorace pozdrowka dla KwIaTuSzk'A=) - ktora gdzies tam gleboko sie smuci... :*

witam i pozdrawiam, przykro mi ze macie tak zle zabezpieczona strone ze daje sie zrobic cos takiego ale takie zycie :)

Pozdrowka dla Kasi :*(szkoda ze nie caluje tak jak kiedys :(... ), cherry, ESPI (wymieniam tych co byli na czacie no i cos jesio )

ne0 3mam za Ciebie kciuki :)

respect 4: ETM T34M"

own3d by dar0

ps... badziewne te zdjecia na dole co nie? :D

btw, I took out the link to the picture, as I don't want their servers seeing metafilter
posted by allthewhile to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
Best answer: Quick reading: it's just light mocking because you have "such a poorly secured page" + some messages to his friends. He's keeping his fingers crossed for ne0 and sends his greetings to Kasia, cherry, and ESPI, and sends very warm greetings to Little Flower. Crap like that.

So I guess you ought to tighten things up. But nothing major. A kid messing around.
posted by pracowity at 2:22 PM on November 9, 2006

Response by poster: That's what I figured, but you never can be too sure these days. Thanks for the help!
posted by allthewhile at 2:46 PM on November 9, 2006

Response by poster: I'm an international hockey superstar and my wife is a famous foot model that works with one of the top agencies in Europe. I have to be discrete, of course, but her rival agency is based out of Krakow. To make this long story short, the European agencies are brutal, ruthless, mean, hungry, devious, grotesque, flippant, dilapidated, etc. They've frequently threatened my wife with violence and even worse, foot amputation. If this message was a threat from one of Wotija's thugs, I would want to know. Wouldn't you?
posted by allthewhile at 4:32 PM on November 9, 2006 [4 favorites]

Wow. Chilling.
posted by bkudria at 9:19 PM on November 9, 2006

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