stupid icons
November 3, 2006 9:33 AM

Macfilter: Every time I open finder, it's in Icon view. How do I make Columns the default for all finder windows?

If I can't make Columns a global default view, is there a way I can make it the default view when I use iTunes to show a song file in the finder?
posted by tylermoody to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
Open a finder window, set it up to how you want it, then close it using the red close button. Finder should remember your settings in future.
posted by BorgLove at 9:39 AM on November 3, 2006

Step 1: Choose Finder->Preferences..., and click the checkbox for "Open new windows in column view".

Step 2: Realize that this works in many cases (like new windows you make with command-N) but not all. Complain and search for a better solution.
posted by xil at 9:41 AM on November 3, 2006

Its really annoying and like xil pointed out, doesn't always work. Luckily, command-3 is a pretty easy shortcut to hit to put your active finder window in Columns mode.
posted by nathancaswell at 9:49 AM on November 3, 2006

Explaining the Finder's view options and toolbar visibility: more than you probably wanted to know on the subject, but the most comprehensive article I'm aware of on the bizarre morass of undocumented behaviors concerning window view settings in the OS X Finder. (I also second the suggestion to complain to Apple about this mess, and fondly recall the predictability and consistency of the Mac OS 9 Finder.)
posted by RogerB at 12:53 PM on November 3, 2006

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