Troubles with email forwarding..
October 19, 2006 10:31 PM   Subscribe

Is there a way to automatically forward mail in a Yahoo account to a Gmail account without upgrading to mail plus??
posted by MJaffaDMB to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
posted by unixrat at 11:17 PM on October 19, 2006

I do this with my mail from Yahoo. I have to leave the apps running on my machine to deliver the mail.. so it's a bit fiddly to set up.. but it seems to work ok.

Basically I use a freeware opensource program called YPOPs to give me POP access to my yahoo mailbox.

I then use another program called GetMail which provides POP3 forwarding.. (it's called getmail for hotmail, but it gets mail from any pop account too)

GetMail and YPOPs run on my puta.. Getmail checks for messages at the local address which maps through to yahoo mail. Getmail retrieves any new messages and mails them to my gmail account.

Fairly straightforward.. but I had a lot of trouble with my ISP's smtp server and eventually got it working.

Works nicely.. and all yahoo mail goes through gmail's spam filter.... so you get double filtered mail :)
posted by snarkle at 11:22 PM on October 19, 2006

I may be reading too much into the question but I don't really think that manually forwarding mail like that is what was being asked. If you're going to go to the trouble of leaving several programs running continually to suck messages from Yahoo and inject them into gmail then you might as well just run your email client and have it check yahoo. I think the poster was asking if there was a way to have it done at the source, and the answer to that is as unixrat said, precisely because they want to get you on the upsell for that feature.
posted by Rhomboid at 12:46 AM on October 20, 2006

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