How do I reprogram my samsung phone's soft keys?
September 27, 2006 8:58 AM

How do I reprogram my samsung phone's soft keys?

I just purchased a Samsung t509 and I love it. But I was wondering if it was possible to reprogram my soft keys.

For example, my right soft key is set to T-zones (tmobile internet) and I would like to reprogram this key to go to my message inbox instead.

Is there a way to do this???

posted by buybelen to Technology (1 answer total)
Not unless you can figure out how to reverse engineer and re-program the phone's firmware.

My brother returned two of these phones (his and his wife's) largely for this reason. That, plus it supports only 8 speed dial #s.

Too bad, it's a cool phone otherwise.
posted by santry at 10:01 AM on September 27, 2006

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