Is this free hot tub worth the effort?
September 26, 2006 8:17 PM   Subscribe

Are the discoloration marks in this hot tub signs that the fiberglass is rotten?

We have been offered a hot tub for free. There is some minor mechanical work needed, but we're not too afraid of that. The bigger concern is the discoloration to the fiberglass and we are wondering if it might mean that the fiberglass is rotten.

Please see this picture.

The hot tub has been stored on its side for the last several months. As you can see, it is a bit dirty. What's more concerning, though, is all the spots and streaks. They seem to be a part of the fiberglass itself, now. We can't tell/don't know if they are the starts of pinholes or other concerns.

Can anyone tell us if this is a worry? If so, is it easily fixable? Would you recommend taking this free hot tub?
posted by GeneticFreek to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (3 answers total)
Take it. Fibreglass is super easy to repair, if you need to, and judging by the pic, you probably won't have to do anything but give it a good scrubbing.
posted by davey_darling at 9:09 PM on September 26, 2006

Though it is difficult to tell from the photo, I think those streaks could be caused by the chemicals (chlorine, bromine, algacide) used to keep the water clean.
posted by catseatcheese at 1:30 AM on September 27, 2006

My 15+ year old hot tub looks pretty much like that, but in a reddish hue. Remember that the fiberglass holds the entire weight of the water, so you'll know pretty quick if it's leaking.

As for taking a free tub: it depends a lot on the age and condition of the mechanical parts assuming the fiberglass is still sound (which it probably is). I recently had to replace the aged electro-mechanical control system with a nifty new spa pack and that was moderately expensive. And I'll be ponying up again when the pump or blower dies.

Also, you may need to pour a hefty concrete slab if you don't already have one.
posted by turbodog at 11:26 AM on September 27, 2006

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