ADD + Alcohol = ?
August 11, 2006 8:39 AM

ADD + Alcohol = ?

I have ADD. I keep it pretty much under control with the help of medication (strattera). But when I drink alcohol of any type, I react in the following way: drink 2-4 drinks (99% of time wine or beer) with almost no visable effect except being a bit more talkative. No buzz. After an hour after drinking ends, start feeling very aggressive. This usually manifest in me fighting with my S.O. about stupid things. Is there a way to get around this and still enjoy alcohol? A lot of my social scene revolves around drinking and my S.O. enjoys it a lot. I wouldn't be opposed to giving it up if it meant ending the aggressive behavior. P.S. at this time I'd say that on average I drink 2-4 drinks (90% of the time wine or beer) 3-5 nights per week.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (11 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You might try drinking more, less, or something besides wine or beer. Maybe one shot or something will hit you harder and not make you so moody. Maybe booze + meds makes you moody.
posted by shownomercy at 8:47 AM on August 11, 2006

I have ADD. When I drink, I get really mellow and affectionate. I have never gotten angry or aggressive while drunk.

It's not the ADD. This is just how you get when you're drunk. Unless there's something specific about strattera + alcohol. Did you act differently when you drank before you started straterra?

Now I'm sure there are some mean drunks here who can tell you in general how to deal with that.
posted by pornucopia at 8:49 AM on August 11, 2006

(I'm on Concerta, and it hasn't changed the way alcohol affects me at all.)
posted by pornucopia at 8:49 AM on August 11, 2006

When I'm drunk, I get loud, then belligerent. But here's another vote for "It's not the ADD, it's you". It ain't anything you can change.

But watch out with taking the meds and consuming alcohol. It causes dizziness and other bad stuff.
posted by Anonymous at 9:11 AM on August 11, 2006

I should maybe add, that I also have ADD, and am not medicated, and wine usually gives me a headache but I have no problems with booze in general. Why stick to the same routine though, if the results keep disappointing you?
posted by shownomercy at 9:15 AM on August 11, 2006

Also ADD here, although I'm unmedicated. Alcohol doesn't make me moody or violent, although it does tend to me me sappier and really talkative.

Drinking + meds is always a bad mix, IMO.
posted by Dark Messiah at 9:23 AM on August 11, 2006

No ADD here but I do find I get argumentative and easily provoked if I get drink too much white wine. Beer or red I tend to stay quite mellow. So perhaps you could try drinking something else?

Also I think the term 'mean drunk', as suggested by pornucopia, is a bit strong in this case. Lots of people get (more) belligerent when drinking. It's not as if you're smashing bottles and starting bar brawls.
posted by BorgLove at 9:46 AM on August 11, 2006

Strattera made my stepson (no alcohol at the time) super aggressive, so my first thought is that possibly the drug is the problem and the alcohol a catalyst, so to speak. Is switching to Concerta a possibility?
posted by kimota at 9:47 AM on August 11, 2006

Look man...Aggression isn't a force of nature like gravity or something. Getting into fights is a choice you make, so take responsibility for it. Some choices are harder to make than others, especially when they've become habitual, but that in no way makes them any less a choice which you're responsible, so just don't do it.
posted by Mr. Gunn at 10:35 AM on August 11, 2006

Atomoxetine is not an amphetamine so its side effects will be largely unknown in relation to other medication out there. From the way you phrase your question I am assuming you drank and know the effects of alcohol separate from the drug.

I would talk to the doctor and tell him what you told us. It is more than possible that a small percentage of people get weird on this drug, as it is so new. You just have to say, "Before I could have a few drinks and be fine, now on the drug I get extremely moody. Can we try another medication."

Make sure you get acquainted with the drug before getting tanked, especially if you switch to an amphetamine. Trust me, I've seen people off the wall when they took an Adderall to stay up partying and didn't realize it totally negates the alcohol drowsiness and reinforces aggressive behavior.

There are so many other medications out there for ADD it is unnecessary to have to settle with one. Find a medication that works. I am not a doctor, I just come from a family of them.
posted by geoff. at 11:03 AM on August 11, 2006

What are you 'enjoying' about drinking alcohol?

If no buzz and only bad antisocial behaviors are the result, where's the fun in that? Even in a social scene that revolves around drinking there are still people who don't, some can't handle it and others just don't like the taste. This doesn't affect those around them from being able to fun or to imbibe, unless they make a point of making it a problem because they are insecure with someone who can choose for themselves. And it doesn't affect your ability to socialize, hang out, and possibly act like a goof if you want to let loose.

And 2nd, 3rd, etc. the 'it's not ADD', however might be mixing w any meds you may be on.

Also there are definate benefits to you and the group for not drinking, designated driver, no DWI, etc. So party on, in whatever way works for you, which doesn't have to have you imbibing expensive fermented beverages.
posted by [this is good] at 12:21 PM on August 12, 2006

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