Wippit good?
January 3, 2004 8:27 AM

Does anybody use Wippit? How does it compare to the old-style eMusic?
posted by seanyboy to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
I haven't used it but I found a thread about it here by EMusic users.
posted by donth at 12:49 PM on January 3, 2004

Okay, I'll bite.

Technologically, Wippit differs from EMusic in that it is a legal file-trading application rather than being a legal website. The interface is a bit like Napster was. The tracks are available in MP3 under an annual subscription fee, but soon they'll be launching a pay-per-download iTunes style store which will offer DRM protected WMA files as well.

In terms of catalogue, EMusic probably has a bigger range because it's been around so much longer than Wippit. EMusic's catalogue contains a lot of American indie music whereas Wippit, being British, contains more music from UK labels. But there are still a good number of interesting acts there, as well as unusual extras such as ringtones and interviews.

As far as I know, EMusic has on the whole deliberately avoided licensing music from major labels; Wippit is working on deals with the majors but only one (from EMI) is rumoured to have been signed so far. The EMI tracks will be DRM locked and delivered from a central server.
posted by skylar at 1:43 PM on January 3, 2004

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