Where can I discuss movies online?
July 25, 2006 11:49 AM   Subscribe

Where can I discuss movies online?

I'm looking for an active message board/forum/community/etc that focuses on the discussion of film.

Not too dumb. Not too pretentious. Basically, a place where one could get into good discussions about movies new and old.

I've tried some searching without much luck. Please tell me about the fantastic forum I've missed.

And if it doesn't exist, does anyone want to start one?
posted by defenestration to Media & Arts (12 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
posted by mkultra at 11:52 AM on July 25, 2006

The Hot Blog is the blog of a industry columnist, but there is a lot of action in the messageboards.
posted by bove at 12:02 PM on July 25, 2006

I have asked a couple friends that were into films the same thing. I think they referred me to IMBD and Yahoo movies. I didn't find a thoughful adult discussion there. I'd love to find a nicely organized forum.
posted by beccaj at 12:02 PM on July 25, 2006

Response by poster: Damn my never-used-usenet-ness. I should've figured.

What's the easiest way to get started posting?
posted by defenestration at 12:03 PM on July 25, 2006

Response by poster: I have asked a couple friends that were into films the same thing. I think they referred me to IMBD and Yahoo movies. I didn't find a thoughtful adult discussion there. I'd love to find a nicely organized forum.

It seems we share the same problem. I'm guessing we'll both be closely monitoring this thread.

The IMDB forums are the exact opposite of what I'm looking for... Most users there manage to mix dumb and pretentious in a way that infuriates. They have it down to an art. It's not so much a discussion as much as a bunch of dolts yelling their (usually annoying) opinions at each other.
posted by defenestration at 12:10 PM on July 25, 2006

DVD Talk has a forum under Entertainment Discussions called Movie Talk. IMDb also has good message board.
posted by plokent at 12:11 PM on July 25, 2006

Best answer: The Criterion Collection Forum might be what you're looking for.
posted by Prospero at 12:18 PM on July 25, 2006

Response by poster: The Criterion Collection Forum might be what you're looking for.

Looks very promising! Thanks!
posted by defenestration at 12:32 PM on July 25, 2006

The forums at chud.com tend to have good discussions a lot of the time, and does well with everything popcorn flicks to foreign movies to classic cinema, and is fantastic for genre films.
posted by Schismatic at 12:58 PM on July 25, 2006

What's the easiest way to get started posting?

Just use Google Groups.
posted by mkultra at 1:00 PM on July 25, 2006

In fact, there's a whole hierarchy beneath the newsgroup mkultra mentioned: rec.arts.movies.* but my favorite is elsewhere, rec.music.movies. (although I find posting via Google annoying -- instead, become familiar with newsreader software, and get your ISP's news configured).
posted by Rash at 2:09 PM on July 25, 2006

The guys who run the Filmspotting podcast have forums on their site.
posted by mmascolino at 4:31 PM on July 25, 2006

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