Chipping Toilet Seat
December 27, 2003 12:26 PM

I bought a new toilet seat about 18 months ago and the laminate of the inside front is already chipping. While these things aren't that expensive to replace I'd just as soon find a way to cover it up. Can I use plain white paint or will the small but growing?
posted by billsaysthis to Home & Garden (5 answers total)
... never tried, but... what about touch up paint they use for autos or even model cars? You could check your local auto repair chain store, or hobbyist shop. They definitely stock touch up bottles.

Another option? If the finish is glossy, maybe a white nailpolish? I once touched up a scratch on the side of a wood vanity with a eyebrow pencil. (Sometimes you have to use what's on hand at the moment.)

You could try plain white indoor paint although I don't know about the durability, especially after cleansing/brushing/scrubbing, etc. I'd presume it'd at least have to be specialized bathroom paint to resist humidity, etc.
posted by jerseygirl at 1:48 PM on December 27, 2003

I'm bordering on male answer syndrome here, but I seem to remember that once they start chipping, it's downhill from there. You'd probably want a tough epoxy based paint that would provide some strength along the edge of the patch to prevent further erosion. Buy a new seat made of a solid material.
posted by machaus at 1:54 PM on December 27, 2003

If the seat is matt finish, you could try whiteout. I've used it to cover a scratch on the fridge and also on a small patch of chipped enamel in the bath and it works very well.
posted by Tarrama at 6:17 PM on December 27, 2003

This might sound crazy, but do you still have the box? The last toilet seat I bought had a three-year guarantee listed on the box, and when it failed after seven months (as a result of a repair guy standing on it, I might add) Home Depot replaced it for me, no questions asked. (Yes, I cleaned it very thoroughly before I returned it.)
posted by anastasiav at 9:50 PM on December 28, 2003

I wish I had the box, anastasiav, but alas such is not the case.
posted by billsaysthis at 10:15 PM on December 28, 2003

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