good, small, inexpensive speakers
December 19, 2003 2:25 PM   Subscribe

Looking for good, small, inexpensive speakers...

I'm considering getting some 3.0 or 4.0's from noHr because, I'll admit it, I like how they look and they seem to get good reviews. I will hook them up to my "Home Theatre" which is an average 27" television and an above average DVD player. Does anyone have experience with noHr or can anyone recommend a different brand? Thanks!
posted by dobbs to Shopping (8 answers total)
I didn't find any discussions about those speakers at Audiogon, but you might want to look at the Audiogon forums and see what your options are.
posted by riffola at 2:37 PM on December 19, 2003

I have no personal experience with them, but I've heard good things about speakers by Anthony Gallo Acoustics.
posted by kickingtheground at 2:56 PM on December 19, 2003

Have you looked at Paradigm? Their Atom series are consistently written up as great, small and cheap.
posted by machaus at 3:17 PM on December 19, 2003

You can get the NHT SuperOne for under $150 each, which may or may not qualify as "inexpensive" to you. I have 3 of these on the front side of my home theater rig, and I couldn't be happier. I (and others) have raved about them in the past. As far as I'm concerned there's no better speaker in the price range.
posted by majick at 4:57 PM on December 19, 2003

AppleFilter: I don't know if this is what you're looking for or not, but Altec Lansing makes a portable product called inMotion that Apple sells as a complement to the iPod. At $150, they may be outside your definition of "inexpensive," but they're really terrific and because they can also run off of batteries, they're great for travelling (the whole unit folds up to about the size of a trade paperback book).
posted by JollyWanker at 6:28 PM on December 19, 2003

My recommendation would be for either the Paradigm Atoms or the PSB Alpha's; both can be has for under $200US.

Generally though, if you stay away from places like BestBuy and go to a decent stereo shop, it's hard to go wrong. Almost all the high-end speaker manufacturers (e.g. B&W, NHT, PSB, Paradigm, KEF, Wharfendale) make inexpensive speakers that sound great.
posted by trident at 11:12 AM on December 20, 2003

Response by poster: Thanks all. I'll do a little more research, emphasis on the brands you mentioned. Though none look as nice as the nOrhs, I'll probably be better off with them.
posted by dobbs at 11:58 AM on December 20, 2003

I got some infinity QPS-1s on sale at crutchfield
and they sound so much better than they should for that price.
(I think they may only have the new ones now, but I would
imagine those are OK too)
posted by milovoo at 11:47 PM on December 20, 2003

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