West U.S. flea markets, surplus stores, etc. for musicians?
May 23, 2006 9:14 AM

My cousin (a musician/producer-type) and I are taking a spectacular North American gear hunting road trip. What hot spots can you recommend?

As he's in NYC with no license, my cousin has long been pining for all this eBay gear that's under-priced because it's impractical to ship. So, he, my van, and I plan to spend two to three weeks beginning in the end of June doing a U.S. "pick up only" roundup. Where should we visit on the way?

We're starting in Minnesota, and we're looking at going anywhere West of or near the Mississippi. In your neighbor, are any thrift stores, craigslisters, flea markets, hundred-mile-garage-sales selling interesting/rare electronics or musical gear? Know any other bizarre surplus stores? Are any hipsters, geeks, or pyros gathering during those weeks? For a bonus: I like funk records and vintage sunglasses. Thank you for your help.
posted by glibhamdreck to Travel & Transportation (2 answers total)
I should have tagged with "sex".
posted by glibhamdreck at 6:51 AM on May 24, 2006

If you want to venture East of the Mississippi as far as Chicago, you can always check out American Science and Surplus. A.S.S. They have two stores in the area that have some great stuff that could be used musically, I suppose.
posted by achmorrison at 3:35 PM on May 24, 2006

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