What tool is this? AI ad butler
November 16, 2024 12:29 PM

Within the last few weeks I read an article about an AI "ad butler" that creates, bids, buys, tracks, and manages ads on various platforms, but now I can't find the article or remember the tool it was reviewing. The tool was being used by someone with a small business, which was why it caught my attention. I do see some ai ad tools aimed at the enterprise level, but that's not me. 

The blog had some screen captures, and from what I can remember, the steps of the process were:
1. Choose the platform you want to create an ad for. Most importantly, it offers ad placement on far more than FB and Google, or Google and Meta: everything from LinkedIn, YouTube, Spotify, Snapchat, IG, TikTok, Bing, Google calls, etc.
2. Type in the URL of your website and a brief description of your business. The tool crawls your website and draws info for ad creation.
3. Choose what audiences to target (new, retargeting, local, look-alike, etc.)
4. The butler suggests headlines and ad text, and creates proposed ads, or you can upload your own.
5. It's integrated with Shutterstock, and you choose multiple photos to be run with the ad.
6. You set the budget and ad price limits, ad time-frame, and maybe re-investment amount or percentage
7. The butler bids, launches the ads, testing photos and headlines real time, choosing the ones that generate the most engagement, and will show performance on a dashboard, giving suggestions about what to improve on any ads that are under-performing. 

The tool did all of this.
It was not a content calendar.
Yes, I have used AI to search for it. 
Yes, I have searched my browser history. 
It's possible that it's Google ads, but I can't see behind the scenes enough to know.
What tool is this?
posted by cocoagirl to Technology (2 answers total)
Do you know if it was bidding on exchanges or buying direct?
posted by hoyland at 5:24 PM on November 16, 2024

No idea, hoyland.
posted by cocoagirl at 12:09 PM on November 17, 2024

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