Australian domain registrar/email/hosting recs
October 4, 2024 2:53 AM

I have a personal domain currently registered with iiNet. This was purchased in the long long ago for a project that never flew, but I have maintained the domain for longterm email and hobby-project level hosting, both of which are currently with Bluehost. I would like to - as painlessly as possible - consolidate domain registration, email, and some basic hosting into one bill, that is neither iiNet nor Bluehost, ideally based in Australia.

Some minor background: I was with iiNet a decade or so ago for home internet. Soon got a domain+email+hosting as well. Then I moved email+hosting to Bluehost, around the time I moved house and no longer required home internet. Domain registration stayed with iiNet because legalities* or somesuch.

So I have no current relationship with iiNet apart from the domain registration, and would like to move that away from them. *I believe .au domains must be registered with Australian accredited registrars or something.

The original Bluehost purchase had a Purpose, so i was happy to pay it, but that's fallen by the wayside and now I think I'm probably paying too much for hosting I don't actually use as planned. I definitely use the email, but very basic shared hosting will do me just fine.

So because of the aforementioned legalities, I'm basically looking for recommendations and experiences with Australian based registrars that also do email and hosting. Sugar on top would be they somehow make moves like this super-duper easy. I'm not professional, but reasonably tech-savvy, but also getting old and tired.

(This move is probably going to trigger a question or two about the whole moving process anyway, so if you have any links along those lines handy, I'll happily take them as well)
posted by quinndexter to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
.au doesn't have to be with an Australian based registrar. Namecheap, who I've used without issue for years (though not with .au), could look after your for instance. They do hosting, they might do email. Does this broaden things for you? Honestly I'm not sure when .au had to be with an onshore registrar, no time recently.
posted by deadwax at 4:22 AM on October 4

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