Using Hotmail email address to leave feedback on Google.
August 17, 2024 8:05 PM

Huge plumbing leak in my condo, all emptied out, dried out, inspection either Monday or Friday. The team lead of the three men who did that work has asked me to leave feedback and I want to do so. But all of my email associated with this has used my Hotmail account, Firstname_Lastname@hotmail, which reads better than for most anything of this nature. When I go to the link it says it needs gmail account. How to get around this, or can I?
posted by dancestoblue to Computers & Internet (7 answers total)
Just create a new Gmail account?
posted by Jacqueline at 8:27 PM on August 17, 2024

When you go to what link? Is it a google form?
posted by signal at 8:41 PM on August 17, 2024

You might even create a Google account that has the HotMail address as its username. There is a button to 'use existing email' instead of creating a new Gmail address.
posted by k3ninho at 10:47 PM on August 17, 2024

In my experience, leaving a rating on a company in Google Maps uses your display name rather than your email address publicly, and I don't think it discloses your email address to anyone that might look at your review, even the company.

But yes, if you really want this on an account specifically associated with your hotmail address and not your existing google account, you'll probably need to create a new google account. You can associate your hotmail email with your existing account but that doesn't really do much outside of Gmail.
posted by Aleyn at 11:33 PM on August 17, 2024

Personally I wouldn't go to any extra work to simply leave a review - I'd just use any old existing gmail address I happened to have. It really doesn't matter what the name of it is, as long the the review says what it needs to.

The exception might be if I wanted to keep that gmail address confidential somehow - didn't want it associated with my real name or whatever.
posted by flug at 12:52 AM on August 18, 2024

My wife and I both have throwaway gmail addresses specifically for junk uses like this. Make one and use it whenever an address is required for one-time nonsense.
posted by Thorzdad at 4:54 AM on August 18, 2024

Feel free to use It's been mine since 2016, and I mostly use it to troll TFG by subscribing to Republican cram and voting in their inane polls.
posted by terrapin at 8:05 AM on August 18, 2024

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