What's up with this startup-vibes electric car sales company
August 1, 2024 8:27 PM

Perhaps this is a very regional question but not sure where else to ask: What's up with Ever cars? Is this the same startup that was leasing electric vehicles to uber drivers before abruptly shutting down? I can find no Yelp or other online reviews of this somewhat unorthodox electric car dealer.
posted by latkes to Shopping (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Well, I get a 403 error when clicking on your first link, and removing the www redirects me right back to the www version with the 403 error. Internet accidents happen, and sites do go down periodically, but this would feel like a pretty clear "avoid" signal if I were looking for a reputable place to do car-business with.
posted by Shepherd at 3:00 AM on August 3

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