Dark skies viewing camping in Oregon
May 15, 2024 9:24 AM

Oregon now has a few different designated dark sky parks for stargazing. This summer I would like to plan a trip to camp out under the stars.

Just wanted to know if anyone on MeFi has already done this! If you have, where did you stay? Did you camp in a tent or RV? If you were on BLM land is it difficult to snag the first-come-first-served camping spots?
posted by forkisbetter to Travel & Transportation (1 answer total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
First Come First Serve on BLM land is full of uncertainty: some sites are very popular and most are not.

Memorial Day coincides with a big spike in traffic in campsites that lasts all summer, so FCFS has more competition. You should have several targets for any evening, and start moving early enough to arrive before sunset: setting up camp in the dark is tedious, as is parking an RV.
posted by the Real Dan at 2:44 PM on May 16

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