Where to live in NoVA?
May 7, 2006 9:31 AM   Subscribe

Where should I rent in Northern VA that combines relaxation with single living?

I used to live there, so I pretty much know the area, but maybe the wise MeFites can help me find the best place. Ideally, I'd like something as relaxing as Reston, but not as family-oriented and with more to do. I'm a 28 year old single guy, I'll be commuting by car to Tyson's, and I'd like to have a bunch of other young, single folks around while still avoiding the ugliness and crowdedness that describes much of NoVA. Perhaps some sort of relaxed oasis just minutes from Clarendon or Ballston where I can feel relaxed around home but be only minutes from "stuff." Nearby gyms and nice parks a plus.

Price: Preferably less than 1500 for a 1BR. Well, *preferably* much less, but I don't know if I'll find anything that meets my other criteria for much less.
posted by callmejay to Home & Garden (13 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Until your last requirement, I would have reccomended my home town, Falls Church, which is sadly outrageously expensive now.
posted by phrontist at 9:36 AM on May 7, 2006

Old Town Alexandria used to be cool, back when I lived in DC. Lots of younger people, and lots of walk-to stuff along the main drag (King Street?). Lots of condo towers were going up along the Metro then.
posted by Mid at 10:56 AM on May 7, 2006

Old Town Alexandria is great, but I'm not sure about the commute to Reston.
posted by gregoryc at 10:56 AM on May 7, 2006

make that Tyson's.
posted by gregoryc at 10:57 AM on May 7, 2006

What's wrong with Rosslyn/Clarendon/Ballston?
It's about 45 min to Tyson's by car, and less so when the new metro goes in (eventually...)

Columbia Pike Arlington maybe?
posted by sandking at 11:08 AM on May 7, 2006

i just moved from the wasteland of herndon to the hustle and bustle of ballston, and in my commute back to herndon i find that the big secret is what time you have to be at work - if you can work it so you don't have to be in until 9:30 or 10 you can live basically anywhere off of 66 or the toll road and you should be able to get to work without a murderous commute.

poking around on craigslist is telling me that falls church might work out for you, even though phrontist says it's outrageously expensive.
posted by soma lkzx at 11:10 AM on May 7, 2006

Arlington Oaks is affordable if you want to buy, and there may be some units for rent. It is also very close to Ballston, 50, 66, etc etc. The Gates of Ballston, right next to Arlington Oaks, just renovated a lot of their apartments, with central air, laundry, etc. I don't know the rental rates, but would assume they are right within your range. That whole area is pretty nice, not quite the high rises of Ballston, and not so far out at Reston. It is a nice mix.
posted by pithy comment at 11:31 AM on May 7, 2006

Why not try to rent a place in Dunn Loring? I work there (very close to Tyson's - about 10 minutes or 30 (LOL) depending on traffic) and there's a community of apartments on Gallows Road that is full of young professionals. It's directly adjacent to a metro station, so although the night-life in Vienna isn't necessarily hopping - nothing's too far away.
posted by heartquake at 3:39 PM on May 7, 2006

Oh and I thought I'd add that my husband and I commute from Arlington to Dunn Loring and him to Reston daily. It's not too terrible. We live here and we pay $820 (they have plenty of other options including 2 bedrooms) for a 1 bedroom. It ain't ginormous and it's not super fancy (no dishwasher/no washing machine/dryer) but it's really peaceful, the people are nice and we're centrally located.

My friend who makes more money than me and needs the extra fancy stuff lives here which is very close to King street (which means again, good locale). She pays about $1480 and she has a dishwasher, washer/dryer and the place is twice the size of mine. The demographic seems to be a lot of young professionals mixed with family.
posted by heartquake at 3:47 PM on May 7, 2006

Dunn Loring / Merrifield = bleh bleh bleh. But maybe that's just my opinion.

What about Courthouse? It doesn't have the same buildup as Ballston/Clarendon, but it's still walking distance to things.

Columbia Pike (mentioned above) is alright, though I didn't love it. Pentagon City / Crystal City?
posted by inigo2 at 7:25 PM on May 7, 2006

Ballston to Tyson's is about 20 minutes of driving. I'm familiar with the trek and it's traffic.

North Arlington probably has what you want as far as commute, atmosphere, demographics, and business/entertainment mix, but it costs. It could be hard to stick to a housing budget there.
posted by NortonDC at 10:21 PM on May 7, 2006

Response by poster: Thanks everybody. I'll probably just try to find a quiet building in the Ballston area.
posted by callmejay at 7:30 AM on May 8, 2006

"a quiet building in the Ballston area."

There are a number of smaller condo buildings in the Ballston area which don't have that "busy" feel of the high-rises. There are a number of apartment units in the neighborhood north of Fairfax Drive which are just two-story buildings; some of those may be 1BR apartments. I'd definitely suggest scanning Craig's list for those types of places. Good luck and don't hesitate on hitting up those adverts early-and-often.
posted by redsnare at 10:55 AM on May 8, 2006

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