Help from Bravo's Real Housewives fans, please?
December 9, 2023 8:42 PM

I'm searching for gifts for 27yo daughter, and someone who is better at gift-giving than I suggested finding something on Etsy re: her favorite TV franchise. Which sounds great to me, but - I don't watch the shows, I don't know what quotes are particularly iconic, etc. As far as I know, all locations/series are on the table.

She's not a Tshirt girl, but almost everything else seems up for fair game, and price could be anything from $5 - $100 or so. From the 9 pages of this link, what would you be delighted by if you are a Real Housewives of (wherever) fan?
posted by cinnamonduff to Shopping (8 answers total)
There are huge amount of stuff based on this meme from Beverly Hills housewives. It's the lady screaming at a cat. The cat is not from real housewives. Know your meme
posted by Iteki at 3:04 AM on December 10, 2023

My wife and sister-in-law are housewives fans. When they exchange gifts related to that it's usually an incredibly specific quote meaningful to them. Maybe you've heard her repeat a catch phrase?

Another pitfall is that they are city-based franchises and there are strong preferences and anti-preferences towards certain shows/cities.

Other related gifts that are a little more generic and don't require housewives universe subject matter expertise:
-real housewives Guess Who - buy standard game, print out pictures to replace standard players in the cards and board. This went over incredibly well.
-wineglass etched with Real Housewives of OUR_TOWN. Neither my wife nor SIL consider themselves housewives but it's a cute glass.
-Cameo from one of the preferred Housewives
posted by KevCed at 6:15 AM on December 10, 2023

I would not get her something of Taylor screaming at the cat -- that meme is sort of dated at this point and isn't as much about the Housewives as it is, itself, if that makes sense. I'd get her one of the Literie Real Housewives candles. If she watches classic New York, get "money can't buy you class." If she watches BH, get the snowing in Pasadena. They have a more generic one as well.

You can get a lot of iconic phrases cross-stitched from Etsy but it would REALLY help if you knew which franchise is her favorite. There was also an oral history of Real Housewives that came out a few years ago that she might like to read if she hasn't.
posted by Countess Sandwich at 2:53 PM on December 10, 2023

If she's a RHOA fan from the Nene days, it's hard to beat this white refrigerator/pencil holder. (Reference)
posted by mandymanwasregistered at 4:17 PM on December 10, 2023

Definitely try to suss out her preferred city/franchise, or if she has a personal villain or whatever (I'm a fairweather Bravo fan but there are some housewives who are, imho, morally terrible and painful to watch--and I think this is a universal experience for fans watching these shows. You'd want to avoid whoever those housewives are, are in her view).

Cameo is a great idea, especially if you know she gets a kick out of any particular person on the network. It's also really fun as an activity during a holiday--everyone can gather and watch the video where your daughter is personally addressed and the bravolebrity says their catchphrase (or whatever they want to offer! in my experience it's usually a great bang for your buck).

A lot of the gifts in the Etsy link you provided might come across as trying to have an inside joke that feels inauthentic, if this is not an interest that you share or you wouldn't "get" any of the references. So I'd err on the side of general. Like I wouldn't mind receiving one of the "Real Housewives of [Your Town]" items from my mom, or one of the things that covers them all, such as the Guess Who games.
posted by knotty knots at 10:09 PM on December 10, 2023

Here's New York Magazine's 2022 roundup of the best gifts for fans of the different "Real Housewives" franchises. (I'm not a RHo[Anywhere] fan, so I can't speak to how well these suggestions have aged in the past year.)
posted by virago at 9:07 AM on December 11, 2023

If you can find out her favorite housewife, you could get her a prayer candle. If all else fails, you could get her the one of Andy Cohen.
posted by Jess the Mess at 9:20 AM on December 11, 2023

Thanks for all of your answers! Since several of you pointed out that it's hard to choose something without knowing her favorite franchise, I went with a "best of" coloring book and a Real Housewives of (ourtown) mug.
posted by cinnamonduff at 5:26 PM on December 14, 2023

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