Lighten up my Christmas dinner
November 27, 2023 8:04 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for your tasty light as air recipes for Christmas dinner.

All the BlueHorse gang contributes to the basic Christmas feast of turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes by bringing something extra. We're a cheese addicted family and cheese added to cheese, topped with cheese, then served with cheese seems to be what we think of for go-to "special" treats.

For example, this Thanksgiving, people brought spinach and cheese dip, brie with cranberry sauce, a goat cheese green bean puff pastry tart, cheddar cheese sweet potatoes, Jello salad with cream cheese, New York cheesecake, and apple pie, with sharp cheddar optional. The dairy industry loves us!

Everyone wants to do something a bit different or kinda fancy, but we're not sure of what types of things to make that would be special and tasty without continuing to be so cheesy and heavy. What are your light, but flavorful party appetizers, side dishes, and deserts that would make us feel we are contributing something special besides plain ol' boring vegetables and fruits. (There are always platters of crudités and fruits--with a selection of cheeses.)

Bonus points for something light as air with cheese!
posted by BlueHorse to Food & Drink (15 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
Interestingly (cheesy) flavored popcorn - with different/colored kernel varieties to be fancy, seasoned cheese crisps, kale chips

Whipped ricotta or other as spread instead of dip

Winter citrus salad with feta, shaved salad with Parmesan

Savory cheese soufflé, gougères (cheese puffs), Yorkshire pudding, popovers, phyllo hand pies, South American cheesy bread

Japanese cheesecake, pavlova, île flottante, mousse, chouquettes, raindrop cake
posted by eyeball at 9:30 PM on November 27, 2023 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Goat cheese soufflé! It’s light, it’s airy, and it’s delicious.
posted by lepus at 9:33 PM on November 27, 2023 [3 favorites]

Best answer: I just made Ratatouille for a veggie-heavy Friendsgiving and it was surprisingly easy (with the help of a mandoline). I served Parmesan on the side and it looked so fancy for how easy it was! This recipe is pretty close to how I made mine but it’s very forgiving (eg I just used the Italian herb mix from the fresh veg dept in the grocery store):
posted by a.steele at 9:49 PM on November 27, 2023 [1 favorite]

Best answer: I just made this salad for Thanksgiving and it was perfect on the plate full of turkey and stuffing: brussels sprout salad
posted by jeweled accumulation at 10:06 PM on November 27, 2023 [2 favorites]

Best answer: Shrimp (or prawn) cocktail
Raw oysters
Other similar raw or lightly prepped seafood
posted by shock muppet at 11:17 PM on November 27, 2023 [2 favorites]

Best answer: Light as air: meringue cookies
posted by TWinbrook8 at 2:20 AM on November 28, 2023

Best answer: Gougeres are little French puffs made with cheese, very light and airy and really delicious! It's more or less a choux paste (like a cream puff shell) with gruyere mixed in. They are dead easy to make and look very fancy.

If you're feeling up for extra work, you can also pipe them full of very well-whipped goat cheese mixed with fresh chopped herbs. Make the puffs on the smaller side if you go this route.
posted by ananci at 4:51 AM on November 28, 2023 [8 favorites]

Best answer: I recently made what I'm calling beans confit - I drained a can of garbanzo beans and added them to a small pot with enough good olive oil to cover, then added aromatics/herbs/spices (I went with garlic, fennel, smoked paprika, red pepper, and smoked salt) and let that cook over a low burner for about an hour, stirring occasionally.

If you stab two or three on a toothpick, they're very easy to serve, and super delicious + festive. Little toothpicks, preferably with frilly ends, make everything more fun.
posted by punchtothehead at 6:21 AM on November 28, 2023 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Wonderful!! Keep 'em coming.

I'd really like to have mostly recipes for savory light foods without cheese, but I know all the old cheezers will insist on their addiction, so these new recipes posted should satisfy.
posted by BlueHorse at 7:33 AM on November 28, 2023

Best answer: A salad with chickpeas, tomato, cucumber, bell peppers, romaine, and Vidalia onion dressing is something I have had at events before and always look forward to. You can add feta but it’s unnecessary. You can also leave the lettuce out and serve on lettuce leaves.

Fancy fruit salad with a lime mint dressing. Add tropical fruit for an extra special treat. You can also serve this on endive to make it fancier. Alternatively you could do fruit with Tajin for a sour more savory vibe.

For that matter carrot ginger mash on endive is fire.

Homemade hummus is really easy and a game changer. Homemade baba ghanoush also. If you roll it up in thin zucchini or cucumber slices with some julienned peppers, carrots, and radish it’s exceptional. You can also roll it up in roasted zucchini or eggplant slices. Add some fresh basil to make it even better.

Jicama mango salad.

Summer rolls - rice paper stuffed with veggies, rice noodles, and tofu or shrimp/chicken depending on preference. Fancy and light. Really good with a satay dipping sauce.

Cold fruit soup or gazpacho. Any summer soup - cucumber, etc. Also curried lentil soup served hot is light and savory and warming.

Bruschetta. If something involving bread is ok, radishes and butter on thinly sliced bread with some flaky salt is great.

Green goddess salad and chips.

Cherry tomatoes stuffed with tzatziki.

Watermelon or strawberry ice.

Ambrosia salad or cranberry fluff.

Corn, tomato, avocado salad.


Melon or pear wrapped in prosciutto.

Rosemary almonds and good olives. You can also add some good pickles.

Shredded brussel sprout salad.

Buffalo cauliflower or cauliflower popcorn.

For that matter popcorn! There are all kinds of great flavorings.
posted by eleanna at 1:30 PM on November 28, 2023 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Yorkshire puddings are light as air, a good receptacle for gravy, feel special.

We always have cranberry ice, festive, colorful, nice alternative to rich foods.

I just made butternut squash roasted with chorizo, the squash was really roasted and brown; delicious, not super light, but not cheesy.

NYTimes had an ombre scalloped root veg. Beets, then sweet potato, then white potatoes. I make it with a chickpea (gram flour) and water batter, olive oil, and thin sliced onions. A scattering of cheese on top is nice. It's really pretty and tastes great.

A small plate of pickles, olives, maybe chutney is a nice addition. And champagne or other sparkling wine feels lighter.
posted by theora55 at 2:11 PM on November 28, 2023 [1 favorite]

Best answer: The butter lettuce salad with simple vinaigrette from Serious Eats. Definitely a side and not an appetizer, but it's light and tangy and zingy and refreshing.
posted by lulu68 at 2:48 PM on November 28, 2023

Best answer: Gravlax, carpaccio, jamon, prosciutto, scallops
Cucumber roll-ups, kuih pie tee
posted by eyeball at 3:57 PM on November 28, 2023

Best answer: We always start the Christmas dinner with little canapés with smoked salmon. You could also do blinis with salmon and salmon roe. Or baccala mantecato, if you want to put in a bit of effort.

Then as a side with the big bird (ours is a goose), we have a salad very similar to this. The main difference is that there is a lot of mustard in our dressing, and rose pepper instead of black, so the whole thing has a lot of contrast between sweet and hot. It is so good with gravy, you can make it ahead because the kale is so sturdy, and it only gets better.

I always want to do chocolate mousse for dessert, but I am overruled every year, now you can have the idea. I prefer intense recipes with no sugar and no cream, so a small, bitter, delicious endnote to a big fatty meal. Goes well with a poached pear.
posted by mumimor at 6:00 AM on November 29, 2023

Response by poster: Thank you everyone for the great ideas!
posted by BlueHorse at 9:25 AM on December 7, 2023

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