Most-Acclaimed _____
July 22, 2023 8:13 PM

I use three websites that tell me their version of the most acclaimed books, films or music. (But the music site focuses on Western popular music). Each site’s rankings are based on broad input from “best of” lists from elsewhere. I am interested in similar lists – with the same general procedure – for other things.

I am especially interested in TV shows, classical music, and non-Western media. But I am open to games or whatever you can think of that has ranking based on a multitude of other “best of” lists.

To understand better what I am looking for, The Greatest Books of All Time is based on 130 “best of” book lists. Details on how the rankings are made are indicated here.

I DO NOT want any list that isn't based on many other lists.
posted by NotLost to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 14 users marked this as a favorite
posted by fairmettle at 8:16 PM on July 22, 2023

This isn't exactly what you're asking for, but the Top Escape Rooms Project asks a bunch of escape room enthusiasts to stack rank a bunch of their favorite escape rooms, and then does a bunch of hairy math to synthesize those incomplete and conflicting lists into a single unified list. But (and this is the part where you may lose interest), this isn't based on public lists; the contributors' rankings are private. Still though, if you're interested in ways to do this, the methodology section of that site goes deep with the detail, and these techniques could certainly be applied to other domains and public lists.
posted by aubilenon at 10:10 PM on July 22, 2023

Surprisingly tough to find!

Wikipedia has a list for games where the qualifier is number of appearances on other best-of lists:

List of video games considered the best

They list the games chronologically, but you can gauge the relative popularity of each title by checking the Notes section and comparing the number of footnotes (each footnote = one best-of list appearance).

For music, there is also They let you create custom charts, including a list of all albums by Rank Score based on "recognized charts" (i.e., publication rankings, not user reviews). You have to create an account to view it, though.

Alternatively, there's Dave's Music Database, which is a much more Web 1.0 one-man-show sort of operation, but he does offer myriad lists all based on aggregations of other best-of lists. Examples:

Top 100 albums of all time
Top 100 songs of all time
Top 100 acts of all time

There are also individual lists for each major act, genre, etc. The navigation leaves a lot to be desired, but it might be worth poking around.
posted by Rhaomi at 10:14 PM on July 22, 2023

One more, for books:'s Most-Recommended Books list
Over the past decade, we’ve asked hundreds of experts to pick the five best books in their field—and to explain in detail why those particular books are so important. The results of this 10+ year project are listed below. These are books that have been recommended over and over again, suggesting they are some of the most important books ever written. The experts who picked them for us range from philosophers to politicians, economists to novelists, eminent historians to comedians. With one or two noteworthy exceptions, our most recommended books are not the latest books being promoted by publishers, but books that have stood the test of time.
posted by Rhaomi at 10:19 PM on July 22, 2023

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