Uber alternative in Denver
June 25, 2023 8:38 AM

I need a failsafe way of getting from Fredericksburg, Colorado to the Denver airport by a specific time in July. There's Ubers that go to and from that area, but in my experience sometimes you book the Uber then they don't show, or they take another job, or whatever. I can't have that happen in this scenario. Do you know any transportation services in the area?

I'd like to support local, BIPOC businesses if possible. In my region there's one guy that does airport shuttles even if you have to get picked up at 3am for the hour drive to the airport. He's reliable and well regarded. Is there a similar person in Denver? I'm sure there is but there's a lot of choices so a personal recommendation is appreciated. I don't even need a super early transport. Just someone that is known to be there when they say they will, and preferably similar pricing to Uber.
posted by crunchy potato to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total)
How much do you want to pay though? You can always order a black car, (i.e. a sedan from a limo company) but expect to pay quite a bit more than Uber or Lyft.
posted by kschang at 8:47 AM on June 25, 2023

Hey crunchy potato, do you mean Frederick?
posted by mochapickle at 8:48 AM on June 25, 2023

This outfit, Eight Black, is local family owned and picks up from various towns including Erie, which abuts Frederick, so you can probably get them to make a one-mile detour to pick you up.
posted by beagle at 8:53 AM on June 25, 2023

^ Just checked with a friend in nearby Longmont and she says she loves Eight Black. She typically flies standby/nonrev so she always has to get to the airport at weird hours to improve her chances for a seat.

She reports they're "always on time, always easy to work with."
posted by mochapickle at 9:00 AM on June 25, 2023

Yes, I meant Frederick.
posted by crunchy potato at 2:05 PM on June 25, 2023

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