Which iPad to get for my son?
June 15, 2023 9:45 AM

I've literally never bought a single Apple product before but I need one to use as an AAC device for my son because of the app we want him to use (Proloquo2go).

Are the ones sold on Amazon legit, or do I need to go to the Apple store? I would like to buy a new one but don't think we need the latest and greatest and I don't know if Apple sells older models? I haven't been inside an Apple store for ages... is it worth going to one or can I just buy the 9th generation one on Amazon and be fairly certain it won't be used and full of malware or something?
posted by Forty-eight to Technology (9 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I've found most retailers who sell Apple products are pretty close to Apple's prices, if not exactly the same price; if you find one somewhere else online for a significantly cheaper price and they're not a trusted retailer like Target or Best Buy, I would be suspicious. I think some stores get to do deals, Target was recently advertising discounts on G9 iPads, but I don't know if that's any different than Apple's actual prices. So, I'd say there's not a lot of benefit of not buying through Apple aside from being able to walk into a store and walk out with an iPad.

I recently bought a G10 iPad through Verizon; the advantage there, even though it's a little more expensive in the long run, is that it connects to the phone network so internet access anywhere, and I am making payments on it as part of my phone bill like any other phone I buy through Verizon so no big out-of-pocket up front for the latest technology.

Apple does have 0% interest payment plans but I think you need to apply for an Apple credit card to get that.
posted by AzraelBrown at 9:58 AM on June 15, 2023

Sold by Amazon (i.e., not some rando third-party seller) iPads are legitimate and indeed it sometimes offers a few models with a bit of a discount as against the Apple store itself. I think it's to compete for repeat buyers with Apple's trade-in program, since Amazon doesn't have one. Best Buy also has the occasional deal; not sure about Target but it doesn't seem impossible. Apple itself rarely runs meaningful sales but it's worth taking a look at their refurbished offerings, which are nearly as good as new.
posted by praemunire at 10:04 AM on June 15, 2023

Either get refurbished from Apple or look for sales from the big retailers. iPads generally don't have malware issues. I got my last one from Best Buy because they were having a sale. I tried to order online but they cancelled my order for a vague reason. I just went into a location that had my color choice and bought it in person. You could save money by not buying the model with the highest storage, for example. You will also save money if you can get by with wifi only vs needing cellular data.

The Air model only saves 16-19 grams or like 4 percent. If weight is a concern, see if the mini screen is big enough for your needs.
posted by soelo at 10:07 AM on June 15, 2023

Yeah, there's not much risk of malware or being unable to run software from the App Store. The only risk I would imagine is if an older model has been refurbished by a third party with a lower-resolution touchscreen sensor.

link to the official refurbished iPad price list
posted by Phssthpok at 10:13 AM on June 15, 2023

While proloquo is a fairly big program, it's not THAT resource intensive. If you son is young (with small hands) I'd definitely look at a mini with just wifi, since AAC works a lot better on a unitasker device. I like the apple refurbished store, just because it's hard to know for sure with any other refurbished retailer. You want to be at least a few generations newer than the oldest supported version, but no, there's no need for the very newest model.

Also, invest in a good case.
posted by DebetEsse at 10:32 AM on June 15, 2023

Yes, thirding the suggestion to buy official refurbished Apple products directly from Apple -- the prices are often very good, and they come with a full one-year warranty.

The selection of refurbished products available changes constantly, so depending on how soon you need to make this purchase, it might be worth keeping an eye out over the course of a few weeks.
posted by mekily at 10:34 AM on June 15, 2023

As others have said, the refurbished models direct from Apple are a great choice. I have also made several purchases from Mac Of All Trades, and have been quite satisfied with the price, process, and received product every time. I bought a used Mac Pro that was listed as "good, slight blemishes" and it looked brand new to me.
posted by xedrik at 11:19 AM on June 15, 2023

Definitely look at the Apple refurbished products. They're basically a brand-new product that's a generation or two older and nobody really needs the latest version unless your device power needs are huge. If you don't need lots of storage, the devices with lower storage are much cheaper and the same goes for Wifi-only vs Wife/cellular. Unless your son will be using it often away from home (eg in the car), you can just use a hotspot from your phone to give it access outside the home.

Definitely purchase a good quality, high-impact-resistant case. The newer ones seem to be more robust, bit that big screen is still fairly easy to break and they are difficult and expensive to replace. I broke mine and it was cheaper to buy a refurbished device (and trade-in the old one) than to repair the screen.
posted by dg at 4:03 PM on June 15, 2023

Not only do products from Apple's refurb store come with a full warranty, but are eligible for AppleCare+ coverage, which is the only extended warranty I buy (and I have needed it more than once).

A good case is a must as well, as others have mentioned. Not only for protection, but to, with many cases, prop up on a desk or table (or lap) for watching video, reading, etc.
posted by lhauser at 8:15 PM on June 15, 2023

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