Note-taking (or file structure) numbered taxonomy?
April 5, 2023 11:46 AM

I'm having trouble finding an article I read a few months ago about a taxonomy for digital note-taking and/or file structures. It's probably from some uber-nerdy blog. The taxonomy used two-digit numbers, such as 01 - Animals, 02 - Solar System, 03 - Comic Books. There may have been sub categories (01.23 - Rabbits) but maybe not. I had no reason to think I'd ever need to use this system...but apparently I do. Can you help me find this half-remembered article?

This is all in an attempt to build a "second brain" using Obsidian. Apparently, I scribbled a note to myself about the system. But I didn't write down a link to a description of the system itself. My web search skills are failing me...
posted by jdroth to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Oh, good grief. I may have just set a record for answering one's own question. I noticed there's a date on that image in Apple Notes (12 Sep 2022), so I went back to my browsing history for that day and found the site: Johnny Decimal.

Move along. Nothing to see here.
posted by jdroth at 11:49 AM on April 5, 2023

Thanks for this comment - I ended up organising three sets of very messy data using this and my new work computer - literally months of trying to figure out a system that didn’t suck and now I can find my files. Everywhere. Ridiculously simple and effective.
posted by dorothyisunderwood at 5:17 PM on April 17, 2023

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