How to get Yankees games on my parents' weird old television?
April 1, 2023 7:30 PM   Subscribe

Will the YES app work on my parents' television? That's... pretty much the whole question!

My parents love the Yankees but gave up their cable last year. I want to give them the YES streaming app as a present in a couple weeks but I want to make sure it will work on their television. I will NOT have a chance to try it out on their TV beforehand. I really dont want to tell them about it, get them all excited, and then it doesnt work.

From what I can find online, the app claims to work with "Apple TVs". My parents do NOT have an Apple TV per se. They have an old Samsung or Panasonic or something. Its not a smart TV. But they DO have the Apple TV 4K box (similar to a roku) that allows them to stream channels like netflix, hulu etc.

So...will this work? Of course there is no way to call/email YES and ask them, and the FAQ is not helpful. Theres no question asking "What if they HAVE Apple TV but they dont have AN Apple TV?"

Does anyone have a similar setup and was able to succesfully stream Yankees games on it? We are in NY.
posted by silverstatue to Technology (7 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Theres no question asking "What if they HAVE Apple TV but they dont have AN Apple TV?"

There is no question in any FAQ about this because Apple doesn't make televisions. The only things called Apple TV are those little black boxes that function like a Roku; your parents have the right device. The Apple TV 4K has an App Store on it just like an iPhone does; you'll probably have to walk them through downloading the YES app from the App Store (which probably means they will need to know their Apple ID and its associated password, even though downloading the app is free) and then logging into the YES account you've set up for them once they launch the app.
posted by bcwinters at 8:02 PM on April 1, 2023 [3 favorites]

Best answer: Yep, you should be good. AppleTV is just the box, not a TV screen with the smarts built in. I have the same box, and YES shows in the app store on it.
posted by Blue Jello Elf at 8:04 PM on April 1, 2023 [2 favorites]

Best answer: I have a not so smart TV. I added a Google Chromecast which now has all the apps I need and want. I am also a HUGE Yankees fan that literally watches EVERY game all year. I kept my local FiOS cable package literally for the YES network. As of opening day (last Thursday March 30th), YES will sell DTC (Direct to Consumer). If you sign up soon, you can get the YES network for $19.99. month, no contract.

I downloaded the YES app to my Chromecast and tried it. It works fine. I do not have the ability to record it and start it on my own time, but otherwise it works great. There are actually some data and stat features on the YES app that are not on the screen on TV.

Your parents will have to get used to using a Chromecast remote (or whatever system you use to get apps such as Apple TV box mentioned above). For my FIL, that was a learning curve and many phone calls, but now they seem to have it down or have stopped calling.

Until this year's season, most of the RSN (Regional Sports Networks) such as YES, SNY, NESN, etc, did not have a DTC option. It would have put them in direct competition with the cable company's. However, now that a lot of the contracts have expired and Sinclair which owns a bunch of RSNs has filed bankrupcy, they are taking their games DTC. When I first cut the cord before I returned about 5 years ago, it was because YouTube TV carried the YES network. They got divorced forcing YES watchers back on cable.

The other important part of this is where your parents are located. If they are in the NY, NJ, CT metro area, they can get the games on the YES app. If they are out of the area, they can get them on MLB app. I get the MLB app for free with T-Mobile cell plan, but in market, I can only watch the broadcast on MLB AFTER the game has ended.

In short, YES you can. Go to the YES Network web site or download their app, sign up (the signup process is a little bit confusing), then download the app to your TV app device. If you are in the NY area and have the YES net on your cable package (if you have one), you can give them a login to sign in with your provider at no additional cost.

MeMail me with any questions. This has been my white whale for many years. It was only last week when it became easy to do without a cable subscription.

Here are two articles from the NY Post that address the issue.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 10:37 PM on April 1, 2023

Best answer: But they DO have the Apple TV 4K box (similar to a roku) that allows them to stream channels like netflix, hulu etc.

They’re good to go!

(I’m not sure what JohnnyGunn is referring to. There’s no need to get a Chromecast since they already have an AppleTV 4K box.)
posted by Thorzdad at 4:12 AM on April 2, 2023 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: Thanks everyone! I guess I dont know much about Apple TV :)
posted by silverstatue at 12:33 PM on April 2, 2023

I did not say a Chromecast was needed. I said I used one, but tried to make clear that any system or "box" that can connect to the TV that has apps will work. "...(or whatever system you use to get apps such as Apple TV box mentioned above.)... Also, "then download the app to your TV app device.". My point was they can use their Apple TV box, but any device such as a Roku, Chromecast, Apple TV, etc will work. That was for anyone reading the answer, not just the original asker.

But the bigger point is, Go Yankees.

I guess I need to work on my writing clarity.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 6:10 PM on April 2, 2023

Response by poster: The gift was a big success and the app works perfectly on my parents' tv. Thanks again, everyone!
posted by silverstatue at 7:09 PM on April 10, 2023

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