Industrial Smart Lock for Building?
March 20, 2023 2:44 PM   Subscribe

I live in a building that uses a standard keycard entry to open the doors (as well as being openable by hitting a button on a cellphone when someone buzzes your unit). I hate it as I always lose the card or it just becomes inactive after a while. Is there something that can replace the current system that works with a phone that would be suitable for a building with 50+ tenants that the landlord could easily add/remove people from to account for new/leaving renters?

I have a smartlock on my apartment door, which works pretty well, but that has a doorknob, which the building's doors do not.

Also, if there does exists a sort of "industrial smart lock system", what are the selling points I could use to pitch a notoriously stingy/lazy landlord as beneficial over the keycard system?

posted by dobbs to Technology (6 answers total)
Response by poster: I'm in Toronto, if that matters.
posted by dobbs at 2:44 PM on March 20, 2023

as well as being openable by hitting a button on a cellphone when someone buzzes your unit

Can you not just buzz yourself in?

(Obviously that's not ideal but it's probably easier than getting your landlord to change the system.)
posted by mskyle at 3:06 PM on March 20, 2023

Response by poster: In addition, if my question wasn't clear, these are lobby doors I'm referring to.

Can you not just buzz yourself in?

Yes, it's a pain in the ass, especially when hands are full or walking the dog. Also, I'm not the only tenant who hates the keycards. People are constantly propping doors open when they exit but haven't got their cards on them.
posted by dobbs at 3:18 PM on March 20, 2023

what are the selling points

People are constantly propping doors open

Does your landlord pay the heat bill for the building?
posted by aniola at 3:21 PM on March 20, 2023

You landlord isn’t going to change- but there are any number of services, like this one, that will clone your keycard onto a fob or a sticker that you can put on your phone.
posted by rockindata at 3:48 PM on March 20, 2023 [2 favorites]

Whatever you get, do NOT pick the Schlage "unpickable" number lock...
posted by kschang at 5:43 PM on March 20, 2023

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