Which ointment to try next?
March 20, 2023 4:58 AM

I have a small rash, and I've been cycling through ointments but not seeing any improvement. What should I try next?

The rash is approximately 1.5" x .5", located in the crease of my armpit. It's been there about a month, maybe a little longer. It's itchy at times, but otherwise not really a bother except that it won't go away. No changes to diet, environment or personal products in my life that I can think of, that might have caused this.

I thought it might be eczema (which I do get patches of elsewhere), so I tried a lotion for that for maybe 5 days. When that wasn't working, I took a few days off then tried fungal ointment for a while, then antibiotic cream, and at some point hydrocortisone.

What should I try next? Or should I revisit a something I have tried and stick to it longer? I do plan to go see my doctor if this doesn't improve, but won't be able to get in for a few weeks, so I have time to try a few more things.

(you are not my doctor, not seeking medical advice)
posted by walkinginsunshine to Health & Fitness (11 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Benadryl ointment?
posted by mareli at 5:06 AM on March 20, 2023

Do you have Teladoc or a similar online doctor option available to you? They are very good at rashes. Take a few good photos in a variety of lighting, and send them over.

I've had Teladoc diagnose a rash and get me a prescription ointment in less than an hour. That was the day I discovered I was allergic to bandaid adhesive, good times.

Speaking of random allergies, any chance you're allergic to your deodorant? I can't use anything with aluminium or anything baking soda based anymore. For me it happened kind of all at once after years of having no allergies. If you don't have access to a doctor right now, maybe start making product cuts before you add more goos.
posted by phunniemee at 5:10 AM on March 20, 2023

Not a direct answer but I used to get these semi-regularly until I stopped using antiperspirant (deodorant only). Not sure if it was the aluminum or something else but I'd suggest looking into that in the future.
posted by derrinyet at 5:14 AM on March 20, 2023

I'd suspect eczema, given the location and the fact you get it elsewhere. Hydrocortisone would be the best treatment of those you've mentioned, although it's pretty mild. You might be able to get something a little stronger from a pharmacist, depending on the prescribing rules where you are.

Definitely avoid using any 'products' on that area for a while - just water and a gentle soap at shower time.
posted by pipeski at 6:08 AM on March 20, 2023

Not sure if it was the aluminum or something else

Aluminium gets blamed for a lot of bad reactions to antiperspirants, which I've always thought is kind of weird because other people's antiperspirants are the single most potent trigger for my own perfume allergy and it just seems completely obvious to me that deliberately soaking a sensitive area of skin daily in absurd concentrations of volatile organic compounds is just asking for trouble.

Most antiperspirant manufacturers include a hypoallergenic option in their product range and the only difference between those and the rest of the range is always that the hypoallergenic version is either unscented or minimally scented.

I really don't think it's the aluminium. I think it's the awfulstinkium.

That said: when I get irritation in my damp bits, my go-to soothing ointment is Savlon (a mild antiseptic in a soothing paraffin-based cream) and it usually settles things down in a day or three.
posted by flabdablet at 6:39 AM on March 20, 2023

I really don't think it's the aluminium. I think it's the awfulstinkium.

I used to think I was sensitive to added fragrances and used exclusively the fragrance free version of every body product. It was in the height of this I experienced my absolute worst skin based reactions of my life.

Now all of my products smell fun and I have no more skin reactions, because it wasn't ever fragrance. Thinking one day won't hurt, I borrowed an aluminum based antiperspirant from my mom during a visit, and within a few hours had massive boils breaking out under my pits. Not cute or fun. Today I smell like a Christmas tree and my pits are fine.

People can be allergic to different things, flobdoblat.
posted by phunniemee at 6:50 AM on March 20, 2023

Sunshine helps some people with eczema.
posted by aniola at 9:27 AM on March 20, 2023

It's always worth a try with Gold Bond powder, or cream-to-powder and make sure you lay around with your arm up for a few minutes to let it dry. If you get some improvement but not perfect, you might try a chafing-specific product as this could just be heat/friction irritation.

You might just do a general environmental assessment as well - I have had odd little one-sided skin and joint issues related to the way I sit in my desk chair (tending to lean on my non-dominant/non-mousing arm only, or tucking my dominant foot up onto my chair base but leaving the other on the floor), driving, and how I move around for cooking.
posted by Lyn Never at 9:44 AM on March 20, 2023

My derm recommended Vanicream Ointment for my allergic rash. It’s not medicated, but soothing. It’s recommended for eczema and sensitive skin. I now also use it on chapped lips and I use the lotion for my body. I also recommend a scent free deodorant.
posted by Crystalinne at 10:20 AM on March 20, 2023

Nthing deodorant, and seconding that fragrance isn't necessarily the allergen--for me, fragrance is fine but baking soda is untenable, and I used baking soda-based deodorant for years without any issues before the problem started. I have had no problems since switching to the kopari coconut oil deodorant.
posted by dizziest at 12:07 PM on March 20, 2023

K so, I get these maybe eczema/may not patches in places sometimes. Through some random trials and errors, I tend a do a light pass of a cotton pad with apple cider vinegar diluted with a tad bit of water, then follow up with Honest Balm which miraculously solves for many skin issues for me (including any scapes/cuts, dry cuticles, chaffed nose in allergy season, literally almost any skin issue--I call it miracle balm). Maybe worth a shot?
posted by greta simone at 1:55 PM on March 20, 2023

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