Should I be worried about the itchy spot on my back?
December 10, 2021 6:34 AM   Subscribe

YANMD. I just want to know if I should be freaking myself out, or nah.

I just realized that the itchy spot on my back right below my right shoulder has been itchy for years. That one spot. All the fucking time, but worse in winter. It's not right under a bra clasp or anything, and it itches just the same whether I have a bra on or not. Sometimes there's a little bump, like a tiny pimple, which at least seems like a good reason for an itch, but 90% of the time it's baby smooth skin.

I never gave it a second thought until this morning but IDK, could it be shoulder cancer is what I'm wondering rn, and feeling slightly too freaked out about googling it. (Possibly a bit of a hypochondriac because I had a breast cancer scare earlier this year.)

YANMD. Should I call my doctor? Or am I freaking out about nothing.
posted by MiraK to Health & Fitness (9 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I mean, I'm not a doctor, but if it's been that way for years with no change, and you're still alive, that would be one really slow shoulder cancer.

"Worse in winter" makes me think it could be a patch of eczema or something. If it bothers you, there's no reason not to check it out with a dermatologist for peace of mind and maybe to get a cream or something to put on it.
posted by invincible summer at 6:46 AM on December 10, 2021 [11 favorites]

You could also try moisturizing it and see if that helps with the itching. You can use a moisturizer for eczema or even a dab of petroleum jelly after you shower to seal in the moisture.
posted by Constance Mirabella at 7:12 AM on December 10, 2021 [2 favorites]

I had a basil cell carcinoma removed from my back this year that I had no idea was there -no itch no nothing and it was the middle of my back so I never saw it and could barely reach it with my arms. If it's like a pimple, but never heals, that's probably a cancer. Either way, you should probably get it checked out.
posted by The_Vegetables at 8:00 AM on December 10, 2021 [3 favorites]

I have one of these on my forehead, just over my left eyebrow. It's been there for years. I've been to the dermatologist twice about it. I even had them remove a nearby mole (which they biopsied--negative) to see if it would help. It's also worse in winter. Not constant, but annoying, especially because i means I so constantly smudge my now-oversparse eyebrow (thank you cheap waxing and 90s trend for thin brows), that i have committed to bangs for the indefinite future.

All of which is to say, it's probably very frustrating and uncomfortable but nothing to worry about.
posted by thivaia at 8:00 AM on December 10, 2021 [1 favorite]

I have this too (but in a larger area of my shoulder), it also changes with cold weather, and in my case I know for a fact it's a neuropathy. Yours sound like a neuropathy to me, and it's so small and unchanging for years, so I wouldn't worry at all. This happens sometimes (see thivaia's experience above) and it's just one of those weird body things. If it changes, then I'd look into it.
posted by plant or animal at 8:12 AM on December 10, 2021 [4 favorites]

Best answer: It sounds like notalgia paraesthetica.

I have had it for years, mainly behind the left shoulder blade but occasionally on both sides (including the bumps, but no real discolouration). I thought it was my bra too for awhile, but it makes no difference really. While there is no test per se, I spoke about my symptoms with my neurologist and he confirmed that I most likely have it.

I have a few neuropathies (life with MS). This is one of the least painful but it is quite distracting at times. I have had limited success with topical analgesics that make the gymnastics of trying to apply a creme behind your shoulder blade not worth the effort! If it's any consolation, it does ebb and flow. And you do get used to it (though I am tired of "getting used to" these types of things).

So you don't really need to be worried, but this might help if you ever want to discuss with a doctor.
posted by mephisjo at 10:02 AM on December 10, 2021 [6 favorites]

Best answer: Seconding mephisjo's hunch that it's notalgia parasthetica. I've had it on my back for over ten years. It's actually become less itchy over time. The dermatologist originally prescribed some cream (I think the active ingredient was doxepin) – but the cream didn't work for me. Luckily, the itching wasn't constant, and it was pretty mild, so I just lived with it.

Have you looked at your back in a mirror or with a camera? Notalgia parasthetica is often marked by a pigmented spot. In my case, the pigmentation was pretty light (though visible), and it's faded over the years to the point where you can't see it anymore.
posted by akk2014 at 10:31 AM on December 10, 2021 [3 favorites]

Response by poster: Well yeah there's always been a pigmented spot there exactly like in that picture on wikipedia but much smaller and more localized at my right shoulder blade. I never thought it had anything to do with the itch because I have those discolorations in lots of places... Wow! I'll ask my doctor about this. My itch isn't too bad either, I can live with it. But if it's a nerve thing I don't want it to get worse!
posted by MiraK at 11:57 AM on December 10, 2021 [2 favorites]

I have a similar itchy spot below my left shoulder blade... actually more of an itchy region. There's nothing there but a skin tag a couple of inches away. The dermatologist says it's nothing, there's nothing there to see. It's almost never anything more than a minor irritation.

I does, however, give me an excuse to ask my wife to scratch my back...
posted by lhauser at 4:44 PM on December 10, 2021 [1 favorite]

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