Possible to take lower res photos on iPhone or reduce in the Photos app?
February 6, 2023 12:33 PM

I basically take two types of photos: (1) Photos to keep as close as possible to archival quality: Pictures of friends, family, experiences. (2) Photos that are utilitarian and almost disposable: Pictures of things I'm selling online, as a substitute for notes. I'd like to keep the #2s, but don't need them to take up as much spaces as the #1s. Do I have an option for preserving the #2s in a lower quality?
posted by Borborygmus to Technology (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
It's a bit fiddly, but I would probably use something like this Shortcuts workflow (or create my own) to occasionally scale down the #2 tier photos in bulk. You could also look for an app that would do the same thing. Just make sure whatever you use is replacing the originals and not duplicating them.

Another way to save a bit of space proactively would be to turn off the "Live Photo" feature when shooting #2s. That's the sort of bullseye-looking icon in the top right, which saves a little video of the moment inside each photo. Personally I really like that feature for #1s, so I never touch it, because I don't want to have to remember to turn it back on.
posted by Ryon at 12:58 PM on February 6, 2023

Not sure if I am following the question, so hopefully not too off-base here.

When in Photos, one can click on File > Export and choose between "Export X photo(s)" OR "Export for unmodified original"

Click the first option will allow one to choose the quality of the export. It isn't obvious, but click on the up arrow next to "photo kind" and then there are options.

The latter will be the full original.
posted by terrapin at 1:00 PM on February 6, 2023

Camera+ has a “downscaled” setting for smaller file sizes. I use this app in place of the Apple Camera app for almost all my photography. It’s been my go to camera app for a long time now. It has a “stabilizer“ feature, so once you tap the shutter, it won’t t take it until it senses the camera is steady. Good editing tools too.
posted by conscious matter at 4:03 PM on February 6, 2023

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