Mostly-metal high-end version of the Itaki electric lunchbox?
February 2, 2023 5:12 AM   Subscribe

I got the Itaki electric lunchbox/bentobox last month thanks to a comment I read here, and as a raging nerurodivergent, it has changed my entire life. It doesn't just warm things up, it fully cooks from raw rice/meat/veggies to a hot, perfect meal, super-fast, just by adding water, plugging it in, and pressing one big satisfying light-up button. It's also cute. I love it so much that I've ended up using it to cook all my meals, at school and work and at home. Is there an all-metal version?

It makes the perfect portion, there's almost nothing to clean up, it comes with a cute bag and packs up small (so easy to carry to school and work) and suddenly I am capable of feeding myself regularly for literally the first time ever. But I'm wondering if there might be an all-metal version somewhere out there, not just the stainless steel bowls the Itaki comes with. etc. So yeah, I obviously love this thing and I don't expect it to die or anything, but I just want less plastic in my life. And I suspect I'm going to cook everything like this for the rest of my life.

The key for me is that it automatically turns off when the water added to the base has turned to steam and evaporated. I really prefer no complicated decisions around timing or temperature. I liked the idea of my small Instant Pot, but ended up almost never using it for whatever reasons.

I know it's unlikely there is something the exact same but with way more metal than plastic, but I'm staying hopeful, even if it's less portable and I can only use it at home. Thanks for any leads!

(ps, the comment that inspired me to get this thing mentioned that Itaki doesn't sell on Amazon, so those are all fakes, and I pass on this info to any other neurodivergents and others who want to try this thing. I ordered from the company itself.)
posted by asimplemouse to Food & Drink (19 answers total) 20 users marked this as a favorite
The search phrase that finds these best is apparently "electric lunch box" (with 'bento' left out).

I suspect it's going to be difficult to find one that doesn't have a plastic body, even if it has more metal under it than the one you have now. For thermal safety reasons. I'm finding some larger-format ones on wayfair and overstock and such, but they're all encased in plastic.
posted by snuffleupagus at 5:48 AM on February 2, 2023 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: The term Electric Lunchbox was only leading me to contraptions that re-heat food, which is why I asked here. But maybe I’m missing something. The point is that the Itaki fully cooks from scratch. That part is the main requirement. Also, I’d be content if just an interior shell was metal, even if the outside was plastic.
posted by asimplemouse at 7:34 AM on February 2, 2023 [1 favorite]

I love my Itaki, too! Not so sure how portable this is but I don’t think you have to use all of the bowls. So it may be shorter and easily put into a tote for a small meal. Like the Itaki, it shuts off when the water is gone.
posted by waving at 7:49 AM on February 2, 2023

This is basically how a rice cooker works so you might get more results looking for all metal rice cookers (you can buy small metal dishes to put inside it if it’s not divided the way you like).
posted by music for skeletons at 7:52 AM on February 2, 2023

Is it possible a rice cooker could fill the same needs? Some (all?) of them have automatic turn off, and you can definitely cook in them (there are actual cookbooks, but I have no personal experience here).

Anyway, if you think that might be an option, some rice cookers have more metal going on. (on preview, jinx)
posted by trig at 7:56 AM on February 2, 2023

I’m finding a lot of hits when I search for “rice cooker lunch box”. Can’t vouch for quality though!
posted by wyzewoman at 8:11 AM on February 2, 2023

Response by poster: This is helpful info, thanks all! I’ll check out some rice cooker options and see if that works. It crossed my mind, but because the water is put directly into a very fast-heating little basin in the base of the Itaki, the whole unit quickly steams up— which is a different process than a rice cooker I think? Those use liquid inside the inner bowls only I think. For that reason Im also thinking it might not cook quickly enough between my classes. But its worth a try!
posted by asimplemouse at 9:35 AM on February 2, 2023

I don't want to divert the ask, but given what you've said about what you like about the Itaki, and what you're looking for in a bigger version — the solution may be one of the 'smart ovens.' Problem being that they are expensive — I think Anova's is the cheapest that does steam cooking and it's at around $600. The best reviewed is the Juno.

There is also the 'multicooker' segment. The big name is Thermomix, which is ugly expensive; but alternatives have begun to proliferate. I've been toying with the 'Gourmate' version, which I got for a little under $200 during black friday. It comes with the internal steaming basket and the two-level steamer chimney attachment that sits on top (the thing that Thermomix calls 'varoma').

For things explicitly based on rice cookers, Zojirushi makes a multi-cooker, I know nothing about it. Likely different than the Thermomix imitators.
posted by snuffleupagus at 9:43 AM on February 2, 2023

Is there any plastic adjacent to the food with the Itaki? (I’m not challenging your premise. I’m intrigued).
posted by Comet Bug at 12:05 PM on February 2, 2023

If you want something where "water is put directly into a very fast-heating little basin in the base" check out these:

You're right, most modern rice cookers "use liquid inside the inner bowls only" but that might hit the spot for you.
posted by Borborygmus at 1:12 PM on February 2, 2023 [3 favorites]

Perhaps "electric steamer" is the right search term?

All metal (Secura 2)
Glass (Cuisinart)
posted by hotchocolate at 3:40 PM on February 2, 2023 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Thanks so much all, I will look into all these options. And that Tatung looks promising at first glance (and cute!). ‘Electric Steamer’ seems like a good term too, I’ll look into this more. As for the plastic in the Itaki, it doesn’t come in physical contact with the food at all, the dishes themselves are metal. But the top is all plastic. I’m sure it’s not a big deal, and I’m fine using it at school and stuff, but I don’t really want heated plastic fumes involved in every single meal I eat in perpetuity. It’s probably more of a preference than an actual risk. Thank you so much everyone, I’m so glad I asked and I’m going to pore over these responses!
posted by asimplemouse at 4:54 PM on February 2, 2023 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Sorry to threadsit, but I think I just solved my problem in a pretty ridiculous way that I can’t believe I missed. One of the search terms you guys listed led me there! There is literally another Itaki option with a glass top, and I thought it didn’t steam things for some reason when I originally looked at the website (also its not cute, so my eye just skimmed right by it I think), but it totally does and even has the little water basin. So basically its stainless steel and glass for the most part, and I guess it’s pretty much exactly what I want (for home.) I’m still going to check out the other options everyone listed in case something else makes more sense, or in addition to this. Sorry my question looks like an ad!
posted by asimplemouse at 5:23 PM on February 2, 2023 [3 favorites]

I'm not sure if they have these where you are, but could a Remoska work? It's basically a pot that you can use to cook many things in.
posted by Ms. Moonlight at 11:10 AM on February 3, 2023

Remoskas are neat, but they're basically inverted electric skillets. Sort of a proto-air-fryer. One wouldn't steam in them, the heating element is at top.
posted by snuffleupagus at 12:19 PM on February 3, 2023

I hadn't seen the Itaki electric lunch box before but they remind me of the Vermicular Musui-Kamado. This is basically an induction burner with a cast iron pot. Limited plastic but I can't see them being all that portable and may not be what you are looking for exactly.
posted by Ashwagandha at 1:44 PM on February 3, 2023

Searching the Italki on Asian websites shows that it's basically a custom-labeled steam cooker. There are a dozen sellers of the same items on Amazon, probably just copying each other's listings. :-P It's all the plastic stuff.

If you want a genuine rice cooker, which is multi-function, you can either go Japanese, which offers this JDM dual-chamber portable rice cooker via Amazon, or you can go for a micro-hotpot with steamer insert. I'm afraid neither of which is "all metal", just itaki with a different form factor.
posted by kschang at 6:22 PM on February 3, 2023 [2 favorites]

Tatung is the original steam cooker from what I understand, so I would start from there, I'm going to have to look into this more myself so will come back if I see anything in addition to the other answers. An exciting find!
posted by yueliang at 1:51 AM on February 4, 2023

The original original electric automatic rice cooker was invented by Yoshitada Minami in Japan, and Toshiba was the first to make it commercially available on the market in 1956, according to Wkipedia.

Tatung, a Taiwanese brand, was a "back to basics" brand that managed to compete well against cheap Chinese brands and premium Japanese brands such as Zojirushi.
posted by kschang at 9:00 PM on February 7, 2023

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