Cat Frontpack?
September 12, 2022 12:37 PM   Subscribe

Do you have a backpack style cat carrier that is comfortable to wear as a chest/front pack rather than a backpack? Or a pet sling that has a more structured base?

I have an older cat that has decided to become a lap cat, who gets sad when I have to get up and move around, or who inconveniently wants to snuggle up on top of my arm when I’m trying to type on my laptop on my lap desk on the couch. It might be partly a warmth thing, so he might not be super excited about a pack that has a lot of padding in between him and me? But he’s not really into hammocks or slings - something slightly more structured, but narrow enough to not get in my way, and that would let me move my arms around freely and get up as needed would be ideal. Like a wearable narrow platform for him to lie on, with just a bit of mesh or fabric to keep him closer to my torso?? Such a carrier probably doesn’t exist, so I’m also interested in suggestions for alternatives that meet some but not all of those criteria. (Note: I am neither crafty nor do I have much free time, so while a diy solution that would exactly meet my criteria is likely possible, realistically it’s not going to happen.)
posted by eviemath to Pets & Animals (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Maybe this one? Available in 2 sizes.
posted by kschang at 2:27 PM on September 12, 2022 [1 favorite]

There's a hiker on my local trails who carries her cat in this (harness & leash on the cat, clipped to the carrier, she doesn't cinch the top). There is a bit of padding between her and the cat though.
posted by kiripin at 4:01 PM on September 12, 2022 [1 favorite]

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