What's the best way to fix Fedex's furniture misdelivery?
September 9, 2022 8:40 PM

I ordered a couch from Target, and today Fedex delivered two boxes: In one box was half of my new couch. In the other box [labeled 'carton 3 of 3'] is part of someone else's bedframe/bookcase. It has the intended recipient's full name and address on the package and definitely isn't mine.

I messaged Target, and they said just to wait and see if the other half of my couch gets here. I found that frustrating and inadequate, and it doesn't do anything for the other person who's also missing part of their furniture delivery.

I put messages out on local social media trying to reach the intended recipient. Unfortunately, the furniture is too heavy for me to move personally, and I don't feel comfortable going unannounced to a random stranger's house. That said, is there anything else I should be doing? [Happy to share the name/address privately, just in case someone knows them]
posted by Space Kitty to Shopping (10 answers total)
Mail them a letter with your contact info? If they're local it'll probably get there by mid-week.

Although if I were on the other end of this, I (cis white female) wouldn't find it creepy if you came to my house and knocked. I'd actually be rather touched that you went through the effort.
posted by matildatakesovertheworld at 8:57 PM on September 9, 2022

Call FedEx about the box that isn't for you, they will ask for information off the label then should come back and get it. Unfortunately like Target indicated you will probably need to wait a period of time to see if the other half of your couch shows up.
posted by muddgirl at 9:25 PM on September 9, 2022

I messaged Target, and they said just to wait and see if the other half of my couch gets here. I found that frustrating and inadequate...

Yeah, I'd be annoyed with that answer too. You're just supposed to sit around with large boxes taking up space in your home and furniture you can't even use and hope they complete your delivery sometime in the future? Nope.

I'd ask for an immediate refund from Target and have FedEx pick up everything they delivered. Then, depending on how you're feeling about this experience, either try ordering the same item again from Target or shop elsewhere.
posted by LuckySeven~ at 3:06 AM on September 10, 2022

You messaged Target. Did you message FedEx? Because if the label has somebody else’s address on it, this is one hundred percent FedEx’s fault and Target has literally nothing to do with it. (Source: was a receptionist, dealt with misdeliveries practically daily)
posted by showbiz_liz at 5:50 AM on September 10, 2022

Tell them you are initiating a chargeback on your credit card unless they fix it ASAP, including sending FedEx to come pick up the wrong box.
posted by haptic_avenger at 8:26 AM on September 10, 2022

Target/FedEx is absolutely awful lately but I agree with above comments that it is mostly on FedEx. They should come pick up their misdelivered package.

Whether you want to wait for the second half of your couch is up to you. It will probably turn up...eventually. I had Target report a piece of furniture "delivered" but there was no sign of it. The furniture turned up 3 weeks later... at a house three doors down from mine. (A kindly neighbor noticed the address was nearby and left me a note so I could come pick it up.)

For what it's worth they delivered the rest of my stuff (fragile glass, and marked as such!) by pitching it over a fence (the gate was open, for fuck's sake) onto a concrete patio and shattering it. So, yeah. Ideally, avoid the Target/FedEx combo once you have resolved this specific issue.
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 9:23 AM on September 10, 2022

There should be tracking info available for each box. has Target provided it?

I might see if I could contact the person whose box was inadvertently delivered to you, and offer them the option to retrieve it from your stoop.
posted by theora55 at 11:44 AM on September 10, 2022

Fedex reached out to me on social media and they're trying to sort it out now. I dug through Target's emails and found the 2nd tracking number, which helps. Unfortunately, it says both halves of my couch were delivered (they were not).

Not sure how to contact the other person short of showing up in person, but if anybody knows how to reverse engineer an email address from a name and home address, I'd love to hear it!
posted by Space Kitty at 12:03 PM on September 10, 2022

Further update: They're picking up the other piece of furniture tomorrow or Monday. They're looking into the missing package and say if they don't have any updates in 48 business hours, to ask Target for reimbursement/reshipping.

[I realize these are princess problems, but ffs CAN I SIT]
posted by Space Kitty at 12:18 PM on September 10, 2022

Everyone's furniture is where it belongs now! [Now to get someone to help me assemble the damn thing]
posted by Space Kitty at 7:17 PM on September 12, 2022

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