Please go on amazon and pick out a fishing rod for my 5 yo
September 9, 2022 10:07 AM   Subscribe

Can someone who knows about fishing go on and find a prime-eligible comes in a couple of days decent but not crazy expensive fishing rod for a 5 year old? I've never fished. I'm looking at these and I'm thinking they all come with a million pieces of plastic-crap accessories. That's not a good sign, right? What is a good sign?Fishing would be in a lake from shore or from a canoe.
posted by If only I had a penguin... to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (6 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
For a five year old I would recommend a simple telescopic collapsible pole. No moving pieces at all, ($14.99). All you need to provide beyond it is some line (probably 4-6 pound test), some hooks and sinkers and a bobber.

For an even more old-school experience, something made of bamboo, which I notice also comes with line, bobber, etc. The added benefit is that the child need only use some sections, for a more lightweight experience ($6.59).

All the child or family needs to supply is bait. I have always found that digging for worms is the highlight of the experience, frankly.

If the child is very coordinated, this kit seems pretty solid ($24.99).
posted by garbanzilla at 10:29 AM on September 9, 2022 [1 favorite]

Oh, and firmly instruct everyone to pinch the barbs down on the hooks with some pliers.
posted by garbanzilla at 10:31 AM on September 9, 2022 [1 favorite]

I just got my newly six year old daughter this one, in purple, in a similar situation.
posted by Bulgaroktonos at 12:38 PM on September 9, 2022 [1 favorite]

This floating Zebco combo would be great. For kids, having a shorter rod will help if they want to learn how to cast. I think the Zebco spincast reels are great to learn on. A regular spinning reel tends to get tangled up hopelessly after a kid new to fishing uses it for an hour. Floating rods are a great idea for kids in boats.

The only other things I would get are some bobbers and hooks like this terminal tackle kit. For bait, dig up some earthworms if you can. If you can't, buy some worms or leeches from a bait shop. This makes for much easier fishing than artificial lures.
posted by advicepig at 1:55 PM on September 9, 2022

Heh, depends on what sort of fish you're trying to catch. But yeah the above cheap small casters are fine and dandy but some of the fancy bits you might see are some bobbers or sinkers or lures and hooks and yeah for lackidasical shoreline/canoe fishing you probably do need those. Came for the simple stream fishing and the bamboo pole with a bit of line and hook on the end.

Since you've not done this yourself... it takes a bit of practice to cast even the simple things, not that hard, but you might want to try it in the back yard before heading out to the lake.

The little lead sinkers are the things that give the end of the line weight so you can actually cast/throw the end of the line pretty far away and makes the hook sink down below the surface. The plastic ball bobber thing is what adjusts the depth below the surface of the water where the hook will hang out, and when it goes under or starts acting funny, that's the fish. Yank to set the hook and then reel in. Or the fish stole your bait and try again.

Practice in the back yard a bit with no hook and just a sinker and bobber to get the hang of pressing the button and casting that end fo the line out pretty far and reeling it back in. The hardest part for a 5 year old might just be the coordination of holding the button and flinging and letting go at the right moment to do the casting.

Depending on the lake, lackidasical canoe fishing might just be fine with a bamboo pole and a bit of line on the end.

If you just want fish... check if there's a fish farm in your area. They usually have a well stocked pond and breeding ponds and you can fish and almost definitely catch something. We used to stop by one on the way up the mountain to camp and you'll definitely have fish for dinner.
posted by zengargoyle at 11:20 PM on September 9, 2022

Back when my grandfather was teaching me how to fish, I enjoyed practicing casting in the backyard more than I ever enjoyed fishing.
posted by SemiSalt at 4:34 AM on September 10, 2022

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