Program to make my Google AIY Vision watch my bird feeder?
August 19, 2022 10:52 AM

Can anyone recommend software to run on the Raspberry Pi Zero W in my Google AIY Vision Kit v1.1 that will watch my bird feeder and save a photo when a bird lands on it?

I found a project on Github that's four years old, and looks dead. I really want it to work, but I don't know enough Python (and Twitter!) to fix it. Is the etiquette to nudge the dev, or can I ask somewhere for help? The project in question is at; it uses a Google AIY Vision board to watch for birds, and tweet when it sees one. I have found a few Python2-isms that Google helped me fix, but the whole thing errors out. I have tweaked bits here and there, but...I am beyond the edge of my skills.

I also considered the project at, but I can't get it to notice birds...or even to run.

Alternately, should I just reformat the SD card and use some entirely other project that will take advantage of the Vision Boonet? I just want to take pictures of birds, you know?
posted by wenestvedt to Technology (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
A motion activated system should be much easier to get running than using AI to identify birds on the feeder. Presumably, anything on the feeder will be a bird?
posted by COD at 1:32 PM on August 21, 2022

Well, honestly, most of the visitors are squirrels. *shakes fist at cheeky rodents*

But yeah, grabbing an image and passing it to the Google Vision Bonnet board would seem to work. On this basis I was thinking of motioeyeos, but it doesn't have the software for Google's board (which has been allowed to go fallow in the past five years, even though the hardware itself still seems good).

That's whyI was wondering what I can do to have the camera watch for motion and grab pictures, and then pass them to the stock classification script.
posted by wenestvedt at 8:12 AM on August 22, 2022

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