Handheld fan recommendations for someone stuck in Satan's sweaty sock?
June 30, 2022 6:12 AM

Have you used a handheld battery-powered fan you would recommend? I unwisely promised to go to an outdoor baseball game next month, and I live in a humid summer hellhole...please help me make it more bearable!

I've been browsing for product recommendations all morning, but of course it's all dodgy SEO junk "reviews", and I'm desperate for reliable human opinions.

I don't need something cutely-designed, nor extra functions like a phone charger or whatever. I don't think a water-mist function would give me a lot of bang for the buck, given how humid it can be here, and how sweaty I get.

What I really want is something I can take into a pro baseball stadium, which is 1) handheld, 2) powerful, 3) with a long battery life (or, something where I can carry extra batteries to put in it when it dies). Basically, function over form, purely to keep me from being miserable the whole time.

Any suggestions, handheld fan fans?
posted by theatro to Technology (9 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I've received strong recommendations for this fan. I've actually ordered one and waiting for it to be delivered today!
posted by unicorn chaser at 6:22 AM on June 30, 2022

I don't have personal experience with this fan, but the host of the podcast Gee Thanks Just Bought It highly recommends this one. It's not handheld - you wear it around your neck.
posted by vakker at 8:25 AM on June 30, 2022

I just got my husband an around-the-neck fan for a camping trip last weekend and it really helped him. Note that this particular design has vents all the way around, where some just go most of the way around.

Me personally, I use this one (well, not that exact one, there are dozens and they all clearly come from the same factory - this was just the cheapest when I looked just now). It moves a LOT of air. But it's not tiny and might not be as likely to pass security muster as an around-the-neck type.

Get something USB-rechargeable, which should get you 20ish hours of operation (or 40ish, on my big fan), but you can also bring a battery bank to run it off of if you get low.
posted by Lyn Never at 8:38 AM on June 30, 2022

Get the mister spray bottle + fan. They’re the best!!
posted by St. Peepsburg at 9:11 AM on June 30, 2022

I have the Aluan Handheld Fan which is surprisingly powerful for its size and can be charged via USB.
posted by neushoorn at 12:57 PM on June 30, 2022

Yes!! I just used this one for two weeks in the sweltering Roman summer and I cannot recommend it highly enough. The battery never crapped out on me, and it is both powerful and quiet.
posted by zoetrope at 11:26 AM on July 1, 2022

Ahhh, thank you all so much! These are the exact kind of real-person direct experiences and recommendations I need.

Now the difficulty of course is for me to choose. But they all sound right up my alley, so I'm not worried about getting a lemon!
posted by theatro at 4:32 PM on July 1, 2022

I have no particular brand recommendation because I've used several and they've all been good. Hand-held USB-chargeable fans, of the type that are often seen in Kpop behind-the-scenes videos, are wonderful. As someone going having a bad time with perimenopausal hot flashes, they're a life-saver.

Plus if you get a decent compact battery pack (which are about the size of a cell phone these days) you can recharge it many times while you're out.
posted by Lexica at 5:51 PM on July 1, 2022


I ended up getting the handheld one recommended by zoetrope and the around-the-neck one worn by Lyn Never's husband. And they were great! I had fun at the game, and I did not dissolve into a horrible puddle of goo.

I've also been carrying the handheld one every day when I'm walking around or taking public transit. It helps sooo much with that trapped-in-a-wet-plastic-bag feeling.

Thanks to everyone!
posted by theatro at 9:03 PM on July 30, 2022

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