Power Move: The Two Finger Scroll
April 16, 2006 12:51 PM

Looking for a driver to use two finger scrolling under Windows XP on the MacBook Pro.

I've found a lot of utilities over the past few days to get my MacBook really useable as a Windows laptop (my prefered platform for work). So far I've downloaded a great Apple Mouse utility, so ctrl-click works like the RMB and KeyTweak to switch the alt and apple/windows key and get a delete key working. I'm also testing out some keyboard macro programs to get fn-up and fn-down working as page up/page down.

The only thing I can't find is a driver/utility that will get me two-finger touchpad scrolling working. I used iScroll on my powerbook and missed the functionality on my previous PC laptop, now that I'm PC laptop-less, I'd love to have it even more. I've seen some patches for Linux, but am at a loss as far as a windows solution goes. I'd love to hear about any possible solutions, along with any kind of tips/tricks to get more out of XP on the MacBook.
posted by jedrek to Computers & Internet
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