How does Marvel describe your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman in French
May 25, 2022 10:36 AM

As a result of a French class discussion, I am interested in how the phrase 'your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman' is typically translated into French.

I can find several translations of the general phrase 'your friendly neighbourhood X' -- enough to make it seem like there is no clear equivalent to the phrase that is in common usage in French. So that leaves me with the question of how it is translated in Marvel products -- comic books, MCU movies, etc. Is it consistent from use to use? Is it consistent in products released in the Quebec market vs the French market?

I'm only looking for 'official' translations -- used in sub-titles or dubbing in films, on Marvel's website, or in authorized translations of the comic books.
posted by jacquilynne to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
The French version of the 1967 TV series that was shown in Canada had it as "SPIDERMAN [no hyphen] A VOTRE SERVICE".
posted by Epixonti at 11:50 AM on May 25, 2022

In France Spider-Man used to be called "l'Homme Araignée" or just "l'Araignée" when I was a kid in the 80's/90's now it's just Spider-Man and everything has been left in English so it's "Amazing Spider-Man", and "Spectacular Spider-Man" and so on. It's a general thing with every marvel comic published in the last 15 years or so, for example Wolverine was called "Serval" now it's Wolverine even though it's meaningless in french, it's probably due to the movies. So I'm not sure if they bothered translated "Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man" into french in France, they probably left the title in English, if it's the title of a comic book.
If it's a sentence within the comic you'll have to find a book which mentions it. Here's the french publisher website.
posted by SageLeVoid at 5:18 PM on May 25, 2022

I pulled up the French subtitles for the original 2002 movie; they translate it there as:
Votre fidèle serviteur Spider-Man. (I'm your faithful servant Spider-Man)
Also found the line from Homecoming (2017):
Essaie d'être un gentil Spider-Man de quartier. (Try to be a nice neighborhood Spider-Man)
And in No Way Home (2019):
Et je suis juste la petite araignée sympa du quartier. (And I'm just the nice little neighborhood spider.)
So no consistency, even within the recent Marvel movies.
posted by Rhaomi at 8:07 PM on May 25, 2022

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