Finding ~1.25" x ~3" L brackets for anchoring bookcase to wall
April 25, 2022 5:02 PM   Subscribe

Where can I buy ~1.25" x 3" asymmetric L brackets for anchoring bookcases to the wall like the ones that come with IKEA Billy bookcases (image).

I would like the vertical arm to be 0.75"-1.5" and the horizontal arm to be 2"-3". I already did a bit of searching but I was unable to find any matching what I was looking for them as most of the L brackets I found have arms that are both the same length.

I already tried a 2.5" x 2.5" L bracket I had but it's visible above the top of the bookcase, so I'd like to find ones with a shorter vertical arm like the ones that come with the Billys.
posted by unus sum to Shopping (9 answers total)
What I think you want is called a corner brace. This one is 2.5" x .675" - the short side is 5/8 of an inch and shouldn't show from below. If you are allowed, where you live, remember that after installation, you can paint over these with the same paint as the wall, to aid in "invisibility". The short side is shorter than your requirement but for anchoring to a wall - especially if you can drive the screw into a stud, these should be sufficient.

Note that the link goes to a 20-pack, because that's what I found first. You may find smaller wherever you shop.
posted by TimHare at 5:41 PM on April 25, 2022

Best answer: That Lowes link is exactly what the OP is not looking for: both legs are the same length. (either the picture is wrong or the dimensions are wrong)

But, you could get those, put them in a vice and saw off the part past the screw hole on one leg with a hack saw or an angle grinder.

These might work:

Also, Lowes has a section of furniture parts that includes stuff that is a replacement for common IKEA parts. They have things that are not in other specific sections (so, they might have L brackets there that aren't in the normal L bracket section).
posted by jonathanhughes at 6:31 PM on April 25, 2022 [1 favorite]

I have some of those, they came with adjustable curtain rod brackets. It's the bottom piece of the set - the top piece holds the rod itself.

They come in lots of finishes and it looks like they have them at Walmart and a bunch of other places.
posted by ananci at 7:04 PM on April 25, 2022

I'm sure you'll get good answers here, but I just want to point out for the future that there's no reason that your 2.5" brackets need to have the wall arm UP. They will be just as good at holding the bookcase if you install them with the wall side down, assuming you have 1/8" or so clearance behind the bookcase for the wall arm to slide down.

This does work best when installing a new bookcase (or an empty bookcase), since you do have to measure carefully and attach to the wall before the bookcase is put in. I do this by taping the brackets to the bookcase, lining them up on the wall and putting a pencil line where the bracket will be. Then remove the bookcase, attach the brackets, re-attach the bookcase and the bracket. It's more work, so I'll generally only do it when nearly any bracket would be visible if it points up on the wall.
posted by true at 7:15 PM on April 25, 2022 [3 favorites]

You can order spare parts from IKEA. The part number of the Billy bracket is 106989.
posted by Marky at 8:11 PM on April 25, 2022 [4 favorites]

McMaster Carr is the jam when it comes to weird sized hardware. They don't have anything that exactly meets your description Style 21 gets close, with 2" x 3 9/16". The sealing corner brackets also get you pretty close. You'd need some lock washers on this style.

True's solution is solid if you can't find any brackets the exact size brackets you're looking for, it would be more work, but you can screw the brackets into the wall facing opposite of the picture your have linked, and then screw them into the shelves. Bracket style number 6 would work very well for this, as the bracket can float up and down a little, so you don't have to be exactly exact, but will still keep the shelves bound to the wall if the bracket is anchored to your wall properly.

You don't necessarily need any tools to measure this accurately, you can mock it up with painter's or gaffer's tape fairly easily; quick diagram here. Place the tape on the bracket that will touch the wall first, sticky side towards the wall. Then tape the bracket to the shelf. Place the shelf where you want it to be, and then remove the tape holding the brackets onto the shelf and skooch it from away the wall. The bracket should stay in place well enough to then tack them to the wall, and once they are secured in the wall, you can then screw the shelf to it. I would do this if aesthetics are a concern.
posted by furnace.heart at 8:24 PM on April 25, 2022

Ikea brackets on eBay
posted by flabdablet at 9:53 PM on April 25, 2022

Response by poster: Thanks, a lot of great answers here, many of which would work for my case.

I’m going to try cutting down symmetric brackets first because if that works well then it will be a cheap solution using parts that are widely available.
posted by unus sum at 10:24 PM on April 25, 2022

For what it's worth, I've never anchored a bookcase to a wall, and never had one fall over either.

What I do instead is add little feet underneath the front of the bookcase, one under each of its vertical members, so that the back edge of the bottom is actually off the floor and all of the weight of the thing rests on those front feet. That way, any weight I load into the shelves also makes them want to tip back even harder against the wall, keeping the whole thing nicely stable.

If I had a toddler inclined toward climbing I'd probably add wall anchoring as well, but otherwise I've never seen the point. We do have cats who love to knock stuff off all our shelves, but they've never even got close to tipping over an entire shelf casing.
posted by flabdablet at 10:52 PM on April 25, 2022

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