How should I break up with my stylist?
March 29, 2022 7:13 AM   Subscribe

I've been going to my stylist for about five years. We've developed a small friendship (do small favors for each other, she got me a thoughtful Christmas gift, that sort of thing). I've changed my hairstyle and she doesn't do it well. I live in a fairly small town and run into her at places like the grocery store. Should I tell her I'm going somewhere else?

If it matters, I have very short hair. She's the type of stylist that does lots of color work/blow outs/etc. She's great at those things, and when I had more of a pixie style, it was a fine cut. But I've been moving to fades and they're just... terrible. She even says things like "oops" while she's buzzing.

I like her and want to stay friends.

What would you do?
posted by 10ch to Human Relations (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I think the fact that you’ve changed your hairstyle gives you a pretty easy “out” here. Just say that you’ve found another stylist who specializes in your new hairstyle and you’re excited to give them a try — no need to say anything negative about your current stylist. You can say you’ll really miss seeing her and you’ll come back in the future if you’re switching to a hairstyle that’s closer to her specialty. She’s a professional, this happens all the time and it should be no big deal to her.
posted by mekily at 8:21 AM on March 29, 2022 [3 favorites]

This is definitely a thing! In fact, it was (sorta) a plotline on Bob's Burgers.

I would agree with mekily's comments above, but also make perhaps an extra effort to plan friend-dates for a bit? Like, take the lead so that it's clear you want to keep a connection? You could even frame it in a phone call as - given that I'm going for a different hair style right now and wanted to go to someone who specializes with that, I won't be seeing you for an appointment, so let's get coffee and catch up?
posted by Paper rabies at 1:52 PM on March 29, 2022 [2 favorites]

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