How to out do new
December 3, 2021 2:57 AM   Subscribe

I do not have a decor wise bone in my body. My only saving grace is im fond of re-use and repurpose decorating ideas such as turning a bar stool upside down and using it as a corner shelf or nailing my 3 panel Chinese room divider to my bedroom wall and making a head board. (Cont"d)

If anyone out in Mefi-land has any uses for random items that can be used in different ways im all ears. I don't like shopping for furniture but im fond of things that make a more practical use. Color and mood are not as important as ease. If you have ideas for old bedsheets, faded dish towels, broken cabinets knobs, out of date lamp shades anything that can be given life or made to look new id be all ears!
posted by The_imp_inimpossible to Home & Garden (4 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Noting first that one of your Google search terms should be "upcycling".

For instance, here's what you get for searching "upcycling old bedsheets." A lot of them are going to be for smaller things like hanger covers or making them into a quilt, but the first hit on that Google search has ideas for things like shelf liners, using them as ruffles on another sheet, making a hammock out of them, or art.

You may also want to watch the Youtube channel Dainty Diaries - this is a very chatty Dublin woman who focuses on the different myriad things she does to fix up her house and garden, and almost all of it is DIY and makeover stuff - she has a whole series of videos about ways to make over various trash items. But closest to what your search is: during the pandemic, she had just gotten a new bedframe and was going to disassemble the old one to re-use the wood - but instead got the idea to turn it into a bar for her back yard.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 3:33 AM on December 3, 2021 [3 favorites]

Instructables has your back. Try this search.
posted by Too-Ticky at 4:42 AM on December 3, 2021 [1 favorite]

Make your to-do list pretty and re-usable by putting colorful paper like wrapping paper, fabric, etc. in a picture frame, then use a dry erase marker on the glass to write your to-dos for the day. This could be a big frame on your wall, or it could be a small frame on your desk.

(This is an ADHD hack. You can skip the colorful paper and just print out your daily tasks to put into the picture frame. For me, it's "eat your greens" and "eat a lot of fiber" and "check your schedule for tomorrow". Then check them off with dry erase marker as you do them.)

Put branches from outside into the darker corners of your house and wrap twinkle lights around them. Sometimes they tuck easily behind the edge of a bookshelf, but if you want to hang them higher or "just so", you can use small nails and fishing line to get just the right angles.
posted by vitabellosi at 4:50 AM on December 3, 2021 [1 favorite]

Here's a link to a variety of ways to makeover lampshades, an idea I love. Alas, I have no outdated lamp shades to upcycle. If you scroll down on that page, you will find a variety of DIY home decor ideas. Pinterest is filled with ideas for reusing cabinet knobs and pulls. There are also videos available on how to repair them. Like you, I am fond of repurposing furniture and various household items when I need something I do not have. You sound resourceful; best of luck!
posted by Bella Donna at 7:26 AM on December 3, 2021 [1 favorite]

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