Help me shop
September 7, 2021 2:57 AM

I really like Everlane. I quite like Madewell. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I cannot really deal with the delays for Everlane of upwards of 2 months and then, sometimes, not arriving at all. Where should I shop online?

I want casual stuff that is a bit less disposable and not quite as flashy as say, Zara, which is my other go to. I am ahort-ish which in my experience kind of knocks out Gorman. I'm in lockdown so I can't go anywhere in person. I want jeans! And t-shirts. Ideas?
posted by jojobobo to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (8 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
To clarify- the issue with Everlane and Madewell is that they are wholly American and everything is shipping from there. I want something sourced from Australia.
posted by jojobobo at 2:58 AM on September 7, 2021

Do you have Uniqlo?
posted by athirstforsalt at 3:14 AM on September 7, 2021

AS Colour for t-shirts. Higher quality than Everlane and super fast shipping in Melbourne.
posted by third word on a random page at 3:17 AM on September 7, 2021

Incu, Assembly Label and Nobody Denim come to mind.
posted by goodnight at 3:20 AM on September 7, 2021

Also if you're into loud prints and bright colours, given the mention of Gorman, you should look at Obus and Variety Hour.
posted by goodnight at 3:29 AM on September 7, 2021

I really like Commonry for basics. St Leonard have some lovely printed t-shirts that aren't too loud. For louder stuff, made590 are really fun too.
posted by cholly at 4:25 AM on September 7, 2021

I hadn’t shopped there for years but I have been very happy with the t-shirts and jeans from Country Road bought recently - tshirts much better fit for me than Uniqlo, I have bought several of the ‘cotton slub’ ones in stripes and plains and various sleeve lengths, and the sateen jeans in black as a comfortable but slightly dressier looking jean. I also recently bought some basics from Portmans (merino tops) after not shopping there for .. 15 years?? Amongst their fast fashion stuff, there are some decent enough basics.

For something with more pattern as an alternative to Gorman, some Leonard Street stuff has worked for me (and if you live near enough, they deliver on a bicycle so no post delays!).
posted by AnnaRat at 3:10 PM on September 7, 2021

I agree with the recommendation for Country Road and there is their slightly more businessy brand Trenery. Another one I like is Saba.

Unfortunately all fashion brands seem to get infected with fast fashion thinking sometimes, but at least we’ve got ebay and poshmark. (I wish Thredup covered Australia, but it does not.)
posted by ec2y at 12:54 PM on September 8, 2021

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