Online, asynchronous Hearts game?
April 20, 2021 2:55 PM

Can anyone recommend a website or app where a group of people in different time zones can play Hearts asynchronously? From searching past questions, it sounds like what I'm looking for is turn-based. I've searched online but can't find anything where everyone doesn't have to be present at the same time. Thanks in advance for any help!
posted by JuliaKM to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (3 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite supports turn-based asynchronous games of Hearts.
posted by forbiddencabinet at 3:12 PM on April 20, 2021

Also there is a MetaFilter group there in case you want to join and learn some other games.
posted by jessamyn at 4:50 PM on April 20, 2021

Thank you for the quick replies! I'm excited to play hearts and other games online. I can't wait to join the MetaFilter group!
posted by JuliaKM at 5:55 AM on April 21, 2021

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