Elbow pain during hanging / pull-ups?
February 26, 2021 9:15 AM

YANMD/YANAD, but I likely won't be able to see a doctor about this for at least a month or two, so I'd like to hear if anyone has had similar experiences. In essence, the only upper body strength building I've done for 8 weeks is push ups (paying attention to keep good form), but when I try and do pull-ups now, I have very severe pain in both elbows.

In the fall, I was doing home workouts and would do pull-ups outside on equipment I could find in my area. As the weather got cold, the only upper-body muscle-building workout I have done consistently is push-ups, usually ~80-100 total (split in a few sets) on 3-4 days a week. I tried to do some pull ups in December, and noticed my elbows were in a lot of pain. I then decided to take some time off of any upper body lifting. After about 3 weeks, I started doing push ups at the same regularity, but lower reps and ensuring my form is as good as can be.

Today, I went back out for the first time to just trying some hanging and after about 5 seconds already knew my elbow pain hasn't gone away. I tried a few different grips but none seemed to help the pain.

When I found people online posting about similar injuries, they seem to heal over time on their own. Is it possible the push ups are causing this to linger, even if I feel absolutely no pain during the push-ups? I don't really want to take even more time off of any upper-body exercises, as 3 weeks before didn't seem to change anything.

Any ideas on how to proceed? Is there a specific aspect of my push up form that I'm not considering that is harmful to the elbows? I don't really want to see the doctor at all unless I need to, since this is something that doesn't really affect my everyday life - only affects my desire to build more upper body muscle.
posted by unid41 to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Have you tried varying your hand position for the pull-ups - that is, chin up (palms facing body) or neutral position (palms facing each other) rather than traditional pull-ups (palms facing away from body)? Or changing the grip width? Different positions put different stresses on the arms.
posted by Mr.Know-it-some at 10:08 AM on February 26, 2021

I have tried varying the hand position - I can't find one where the pain is gone. The least painful is neutral, and grip width didn't seem to help too much. But nonetheless, there's enough pain even in the neutral position that it made me think, "I better stop before I injure this more."
posted by unid41 at 10:45 AM on February 26, 2021

Where is the pain? Medial or lateral side of the joint?

I'm not anymore, but used to be a pretty serious rock climber, and tendonitis/tendonosis from overuse is very common. At the volume of pushups you're doing, I think overuse is a very reasonable explanation. Depending on where the issue is located, there may be effective and obvious home therapies available.
posted by that's candlepin at 10:53 AM on February 26, 2021

I can't speak to whether the push-ups are contributing to elbow pain during pull-ups, but I did have a few thoughts:

1. Are you using a fixed bar or handles for pull-ups? It may be that something like TRX straps or gymnastic rings that allow for some rotation might ease your discomfort.

2. Have you tried using resistance bands so that you're not suspending your entire body weight? Even though it sounds like you're strong enough to do multiple full-bodyweight pullups, it might be worth trying some lower-intensity/higher-rep pull-ups to see if that changes things. Alternately, with rings or TRX you can lower them so that your body is at a ~30 degree angle with your heels on the ground.

3. Are you getting the pain both when doing pull-ups only, or do you also get it when doing straight(ish) arm hangs?

4. What range of motion are you employing for the pull-ups? I've found that I can fully straighten my elbows at the bottom of the movement, but that I need to keep my shoulder engaged to prevent joint popping (bad labrum); likewise, if I try to pull super high at the top of the motion, it seems to engage my joints/muscles a bit differently, and maybe not in the best way.

Good luck!
posted by EKStickland at 10:58 AM on February 26, 2021

I have tennis elbow on one side that flares up with pull ups but push ups, burpees, planks etc are fine. Seeing a medical professional is best, maybe physio or osteo while you are waiting for your Dr. They'll be able to walk you through some strength tests to help figure out what is going on. It may be related to tendonitis as noted above, possibly related to the pushups but could be something else entirely (repetitive use of a gaming console for example). It is interesting that you have it in both elbows and I would want to see a pro because of that especially.

Sometimes elbow pain can be alleviated with wrist exercises so as you wait you could try exercises like these or these or these depending on where your pain is.
posted by Cuke at 11:17 AM on February 26, 2021

Thank you for these responses! Here's answers to the questions:

The pain is on the medial side.

I'm using playground equpiment usually, so a variety of fixed bars. I will look into rings or straps, I didn't consider that could help.

I don't have strong enough resistance bands that would help for reducing the load, but I'm not sure how much it would help - I've tried putting my feet lightly on the ground to reduce the amount of force and it's still painful.

I'm getting the pain even when just doing arm hangs - I don't even bother doing full pull-ups.

I'm fully extending my arm, but I didn't consider whether my shoulders are engaged. At the top of the motion, I stop once my chin is at the bar.
posted by unid41 at 2:03 AM on February 27, 2021

IAdefinitelyNAD, but medial epicondylitis or epicondylosis (golfer's elbow) is a reasonable first guess. Therapy protocols are pretty well established. A physical therapist is definitely your best bet, but home exercise and stretching is an option for sure!
posted by that's candlepin at 8:15 AM on March 1, 2021

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