Best SEO tool for my use case?
February 19, 2021 2:12 PM   Subscribe

Trying to do more SEO work on content that we publish for work, but the two tools I have any experience / knowledge of are not a good fit. Any recommendations? The details inside will shock you.

We use Semrush at work for some things and I like what I've seen with their writing assistant, and would like to make use of the plagiarism checker but they're exceptionally stingy with this tool. It allows for, at max, 10 checks per month at their highest paid tier. We publish 10 posts per week on a regular basis, and I edit / review another 20-30 posts per month for other teams.

On my personal site I use WordPress and have toyed with Yoast, which I like, but doesn't (AFAIK) have the plagiarism functions and it's heavily tied to WordPress. We don't use WordPress for my day job, so Yoast is out for that anyway.

We use Google Docs primarily for drafting / collaboration and giving feedback to authors. The final destination for content is Drupal. I don't have any access to install a CMS plugin, and our enterprise Google Drive account is pretty locked down so Docs add-ons like Semrush are a problem. I do like how Semrush's web-based writing assistant works, so tools with that model would be great.

Mainly I'm looking for:

- SEO keyword suggestions / advice
- Readability suggestions / feedback
- Tone of voice consistency check
- Aforementioned plagiarism checker
- Content generator / templates with suggestions for keywords for topics

In part my reasons for wanting a tool is to have "data" to give authors who are disinclined to trust editorial advice from mere humans. Also depending on pricing might like to put some of this directly in the hands of my team. My knowledge of SEO writing assistant tools is not deep, so recommendations are very welcome.
posted by jzb to Technology (1 answer total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
I've used as a highschool teacher to try and bust plagiarists, no idea if it suits your usecase.
posted by freethefeet at 2:31 PM on February 19, 2021

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