Looking for my baseball glove.
March 20, 2006 6:25 PM

My beautiful baseball glove was stolen about ten years ago when I was too young to know better. I'd love to buy another one of the same or similar type, but all I can remember is a few specifics. Fortunately, it was pretty unique. Details inside.

I can't remember important things like the brand, but I do remember lots about the glove itself:
  • The colour was a rich, dark, red. Almost mahogany.
  • The web was a cross-like H-web style, so like this as opposed to this.
  • The stitching was black.
  • The rest of the trim (what little there was) was gold.
  • It was for a lefty thrower, i.e. worn on the right hand.
  • I think the back was open, rather than a one-finger style, but I'm not one-hundred-percent positive.
I'm sure the actual model has been retired for years, but I'd love to find any descendants that match this sort of description. I've searched stores both online and offline but I'm having a very tough time finding a lefty mahogany glove with an H-web.
posted by DrJohnEvans to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total)
I'm afraid I have no solace for you, but I certainly have sympathy for your plight.

ps One-finger style sux.
posted by mookieproof at 6:57 PM on March 20, 2006

if it was black stitching there's a good chance that it was a Mizuno.
posted by goddam at 8:06 PM on March 20, 2006

Due to the webbing, that'd make your glove an infielder's glove. It should be relatively easy to find one. The last time I looked, there weren't that many glove makers, Wilson, Mizuno, Spalding, etc. I'd try just walking into a sportstore with a large selection available, or the on-line equivalent.

As odd as it sounds, but what I enjoy most about my gloves (I've two, one regular, one a firstbaseman's) is simply smelling the leather thats been through years of use.
posted by Atreides at 8:59 PM on March 20, 2006

This is from the SportsFilter cross-post:

DrJ: Can you provide a sample of the actual color in another glove type?

It's tough; I haven't been able to find the exact colour. That's what made it so distinct. It was about as dark as this one, or this one, but more red than both of those. It was a darker red than this one.

goddam, thanks for the Mizuno tip. I've been looking through their stuff, and their gloves are the closest thing I've seen yet.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 10:22 PM on March 20, 2006

Actually, hang on. This glove is the closest I've been able to find. I think that's just about the colour my glove was: it's a little hard to tell with the weird cream trim though.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 10:39 PM on March 20, 2006

It started out as an innocent whim, but now I'm completely emotionally committed to finding this glove.

Imagine a cross-breed between this one and this one. I definitely recall a small round insignia patch at the base of the thumb, like the second one. It could very well have been the modern Mizuno logo.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 12:27 PM on March 21, 2006

Mizuno makes very nice gloves.
posted by martinX's bellbottoms at 6:19 PM on March 21, 2006

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