Quick fix for earache
March 7, 2020 10:51 AM   Subscribe

I woke up with a slight earache today. Difficulty level: I am supposed to fly out Thursday, so naturally this alarms me. Any of your quick tips, home remedies, anything to help?

More info:
-This is not a life and death flight, although I would disappoint a few people if I didn't make it (I'm doing a reading in another state, plus visiting relatives I hadn't seen in forever).
-Heck, *I'd* be disappointed.
-My tix are Southwest, so there is no change charge.
posted by intrepid_simpleton to Health & Fitness (5 answers total)
Can you tell if it's sinus-related? If so, Sudefed (the real stuff that you have to get from a pharmacist) would help. It'll dry out any congestion in your sinuses/ears. If not, I've got nothing.
posted by Weeping_angel at 10:59 AM on March 7, 2020 [1 favorite]

get earplanes,put them in as soon as you sit down, don't remove until the door has opened after landing
posted by brujita at 11:01 AM on March 7, 2020

This happened to me before. I've had ear infections in the past, so I visited an urgent care center out of an abundance of caution. I would have gone to my regular doc's, but it was the weekend and his office was closed.

The urgent care doc told me I had a cold—apparently I had post-nasal drip, but an achy ear was the only symptom I really noticed. I was prescribed some nasal spray, which I filled, but by the time I went to fly, I was feeling better.

I'd recommend speaking with a doctor before you go, if you can. It'll put your mind at ease. Try your favorite cold remedies too.
posted by vitout at 11:24 AM on March 7, 2020

Resting my ear on a hot water bottle (covered with a towel) helps my ear infections go away really quickly so long as they aren't fungal. (I get a ton of ear infections.)

If it's fungal, which I can tell when the hot water bottle makes them worse the next day instead of better (also I can smell the difference on a q-tip if that's even an option- if my ears are too swollen and sore it's not- I go get clotrimazole drops (not cream) from the athlete's foot section of my drug store. Unfortunately they all reek of tea tree oil and I have to treat it 3 times a day like clockwork for a long time- basically til the bottle's empty, about 8 days. I feel better pretty quickly but if I stop mid course it'll just come back worse.

EDIT: When I'm feeling like I have a high tolerance for pain, household vinegar has worked for fungal infections, too, if they aren't too severe. Sometimes I prefer pain to the smell of tea tree oil, which I hate.
posted by small_ruminant at 11:44 AM on March 7, 2020 [1 favorite]

--Agree that you should go to an urgent care to get antibiotics for now. And bring them with you on your trip. This will probably clear you up.

--Carry Afrin in your carry-on. Bend your head down right before takeoff and landing and squirt the Afrin into your nose. Do this during all your planned flights.

--If you get ear pain during the flight, ask the attendant to give you a cup. Wad up a paper towel and have the attendant pour a little hot water into the cup to create warmth and steam.
posted by Elsie at 12:09 PM on March 7, 2020

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