Who is this artist?
November 7, 2019 12:49 PM

My mother has three prints that she acquired knowing only that they were "a Chinese artist," and although I can make out part of the title of the prints, I haven't had any luck figuring out the name of the artist. Can anyone read either the title of the prints or the artist? Bonus points for the seal!

The three prints are pictured here, with a closer view of the title and artist's name. I would be surprised if it were an artist of note, but it might be nice to offer my mom any additional context for some art that, in her words, "makes her heart happy." Also, I'm fond of them, so it might be nice to know for my own curiosity as well.
posted by wakannai to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
The artist is 管牧 (Guan Mu). From the little references online that I can find, he seems to be a known artist of his time specialising in prints of Jiangsu/Suzhou water town scenes. The title of the print in your photo reads "蘇州庭园之冬" or Suzhou Garden in Winter.
posted by hellopanda at 10:48 PM on November 7, 2019

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